The Journal of Natural Sciences (자연과학논문집)
- Volume 11 Issue 1
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- Pages.143-150
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- 1999
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- 1225-6196(pISSN)
Study on Natural Dyeing Using the Elm-Bark
느릅나무 껍질에 의한 천연염색에 관한 연구
Song, Kyoung-Hun
(Department of Clothing and Texiles, Pai Chai University) ;
- Kim, Byung-Hee (Department of Clothing and Texiles, Pai Chai University) ;
- Choi, Yu-Suk (Department of Clothing and Texiles, Pai Chai University) ;
- Byun, Sun-Young (Department of Clothing and Texiles, Pai Chai University)
- Published : 1999.02.28
A natural dyeing makes fabrics look unique and elegant which cannot be obtain by synthetic dyestuffs. The natural dyestuffs are harmless to human, and it is easy to get them. Also, the natural dyestuffs are environmentally frendly, which is the anther merit for natural dyeing,We investigated dyeability with several fabrics (cotton, wool, ramie, silk and nylon) using an elm bark. We mordants(natural and synthetic). Also, colorfastness in dyed fabrics was estimated by laundering and light. The optimum condition of dyeability in elm bark was 60 min as time,
느릅나무껍질로부터 추출한 염액을 이용하여 면, 마, 모, 견, 나일론 섬유와의 염색성을 조사하였다. 각 섬유와의 최적 염색조건을 설정하였으며 합성매염제와 천연매염제를 사용하여 염색성에 미치는 매염제의 효과를 검토하였다. 또한 느릅나무껍질로 염색한 각 염색포의 세탁견뢰도와 일광견뢰도를 살펴보았다.실험결과 느릅나무 염색의 최적조건은 욕비 1: 40,