다수의 도전장비 존재시 설비의 경제적 수명과 최적 대체결정을 위한 동적 계획모형

Dynamic Programming Model for Optimal Replacement Policy with Multiple Challengers

  • 발행 : 1999.12.31


A backward Dynamic Programming(DP) model for the optimal facility replacement decision problem during a finite planning horizon is presented. Multiple alternative challengers to a current defender are considered. All facilities are assumed to have finite service lives. The objective of the DP model is to maximize the profit over a finite planning horizon. As for the cost elements, purchasing cost, maintenance costs and repair costs as well as salvage value are considered. The time to failure is assumed to follow a weibull distribution and the maximum likelihood estimation of Weibull parameters is used to evaluate the expected cost of repair. To evaluate the revenue, the rate of operation during a specified period is employed. The cash flow component of each challenger can vary independently according to the time of occurrence and the item can be extended easily. The effects of inflation and the time value of money are considered. The algorithm is illustrated with a numerical example. A MATLAB implementation of the model is used to identify the optimal sequence and timing of the replacement.
