A Study on the Optimization of Drilling Operations(1): Optimization of Machining Variables for Drilling Operations

드릴가공 최적화에 대한 연구(1): 드릴가공시 가공변수의 최적화

  • 유회진 (동아대학교 산업공학과)
  • Published : 1999.06.30


This paper presents the optimization of a drilling operation subject to machining constraints such as power, torque, thrust, speed and feed rate. The optimization is meant to minimize the machining time required to produce a hole. For the first time, the effects of a pilot hole are included in the formulation of the machining constraints. The optimization problem is solved by using the geometric programming technique. The dual problem is simplified based on the characteristics of the problem, and the effects of machining constraints on the machining variables are identified.
