일제시대 관공립 간호교육에 관한 역사적 연구

Official Nursing Education of Korea under Japanese rule

  • Yi, Ggod-Me (College of Nursing, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Jung-Ho (College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1999.07.31


Official nursing education of Korea under Japanese rule began in order to make the communication possible among Japanese medical men and Korean patients. It could generate high standard nurses from the beginning. Nurses licensure began in 1914 and the graduates of official nursing schools could get nurses licensure without further test. Official nursing education became the standard of R.N. education. The curriculum emphasized on Japanese and ethics first, and in order to produce nurse, practice second. In 1920 the shortage of nurse became serious problem, so the Japanese colonial authorities set up 5 official nursing school in large scale. In 1922 they revised the relevant laws and regulations to make the nursing licensure pass all over Japanese ruling area. 8-year preliminary education and 2 year curriculum became standard of official nursing education after then. Other nursing schools should satisfy this standard to let their graduate get nurses licensure without further test. Curriculum was revised to satisfy the dual goal of 'good housewife' and 'good nurse'. Every official nursing school tried to raise educational standard Nursing science was specialized and more emphasis was put on the occupational education. From the late 1930s, Japanese desperately needed additional manpower to replenish the dwindling ranks of their military and labor forces. They tried to produce more nurses by increase nursing school. Students had to do wartime work instead of study. Younger students could enter nursing school, and general school could produce R.N. In conclusion, nursing education of Korea under Japanese rule was determined by the official nursing education. The Japanese colonial authorities lead the official nursing education. It made nursing education fixed early and produced high standard R.N. But it made nursing education withdraw in late Japanese rule period. Nursing education of Korea began quite weak in the need of nursing and Korea herself. The weakness became a subject of nursing education of Korea after Japanese rule to produce better R.N..
