압통점에 적용한 파스이완술이 통증에 미치는 영향

Pain-relieving Effect of the PAS Release Applied to Tender Points

  • Park, Ji-Whan (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Taejon Health Sciences College)
  • 발행 : 1999.06.30


PURPOSE; The main purpose of physical therapy is to minimize patient's pain. So this study aimed at evaluating the effect of PAS release applied to tender points in reducing pain of musculoskeletal lesion persons. METHOD; The PAS (capsicum plaster) Release applied at 48 tender points to relieve and assessment pain threshold by Harold Gottlieb's pain scale that was composed of Negligible sensation 4.00, Mild sensation 3.00, Moderate sensation 2.00, Severe sensation 1.00. RESULT; Results show that PAS release was 84.6% effect in achieving a gradual decrease of pain sensitivity at the tender points where it was applied, suggestion a cumulative analgesic effect through sessions. CONCLUSION; This study suggests that PAS release applied to tender points can be effective in relieving soft tissue pain through theses have not become asymptomatic, all referred significant pain relief(p <0.05) after study and at the end of PAS release therapy.
