Non-Conventional Concentrates in Temperate Asian-Australasian Countries - Review -

  • Chiou, P.W.S. (Department of Animal Science, National Chung-Hsing University)
  • Published : 1999.05.01


The huge amount of demand for feedgrains from this region could not possibly be met by producing countries from the other regions. In order to fulfill this increasing demand for conventional raw materials, an alternative for the conventional raw materials produced in the Asia and Pacific region is becoming increasingly more important. A potential alternative is concentrates or non-conventional concentrates produced locally in relative abundance in this region. These feedstuffs include feed grains, by-products from the milling, sugar industries, brewing and distilling industries. Vegetable, citrus, and animal by-products from abattoir, feather meal and blood meal are also possibilities. In addition to more widespread use of unconventional feed sources, the following approach is recommended to improve utilization and performance. These include establishing the nutritive value of non-conventional feeds, quality control to minimize variability, proper storage and processing to assure the nutritive value and prevent mycotoxin contamination, properly balance amino acids with protein sources, supplementation with synthetic amino acids and the use of enzymes to increase digestibility. Currently, practical applications for these resources in feed formulation are negligible despite the potential. The socio-economic aspects will dominate the use of these non-conventional concentrates. In the future, the feed industry will resolve the problems in using locally available raw feed materials.
