청력보호를 위한 선박 기관실 및 선실소음의 조사(I)

An Investigation of the Noise in Ship Engine-Room and Cabins for Hearing Protection (I)

  • 유영훈 (목포해양대학교 기관공학부)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.31


As the noise of ship engine room is too loud, the engineer who works in a ship engine-room has the trouble of hearing. In this paper deals the investigation of the noise of ship engine room and cabins with the internationally allowable noise exposure level and noise exposure time. Recently, the problem of engine-room noise is more serious because of shipowner wants to make small number and larger size of cylinder. Therefore, engineers work in a ship engine-room for a long time have the trouble of hearing when they are exposed the high noise level. In this study, two kinds of vessels were used to investigate the noise of engine room, engine-control room, bridge, offices and cabins. As criteria of sound levels, A-weighted sound pressure level and octave band pressure level were used.
