New Paradigm for Agricultural Extention Service in the 21st-Century

21세기 농촌지도사업의 새 패러다임

  • Published : 1999.12.31


The objectives of this study were 1) to review the developmental process of agricultural extension services since 1960 in Korea, and 2) to suggest new paradigm of agricultural extension education in the 21st century. The study suggested major objectives of agricultural extension service in Korea should be focused on; 1) Agricultural technology transfer for environmentally friendly food production, 2) Diffusion of energy saving and safe farming technologies and upbringing export oriented agriculture, 3) Education and training of capable farmers for competitive world, and 4) Technological support for home improvement considering harmony of human, environment and life. To achieve major objectives of extension services the following strategies should be employed; 1) National administration and financing. 2) Farmer oriented services should be performed since extension education is originally two-way communication process to help farmers in better decision making, 3) Human resource development for extension educators to meet increasing demands of target population, and policy measures should be implemented to increase morale of extension educators, and 4) Role of public extension should be strengthened to meet needs of majority farmers and public interests in the knowledge based information society in the 21st century.
