- Ultrastructure and function of the Sertoli cell In: Handbook of physiology, Sect. 7: Endocrinology, Vol. Ⅴ: Male reproductive system Fawcett,D.W.;D.W.;Hamilton(ed.);R.O.Greep(ed.)
- Amer J Anat v.151 Scanning electron microscopic study of the Sertoli cell and spermiation in the Syrian hamster Gravis,C.J.
- Arch Histol Jap v.50 Interrelationships between germ cell differentiation and transformation of basolateral profile of Sertoli cells during rat spermatogonial cycle Hamasaki,M.
- J Electron Microsc v.35 Three-dimensional profiles of Sertoli cell processes and associated appendies as viewed by SEM Hamasaki,M.;Murakami,M.
- Arch Histol Jap v.50 Three-dimensional structure of the Sertoli cell in the Shiba goat Kurohmaru,M.;T,Nishida.
- Anat Rec v.193 A study of Sertoli-spermatid tubulobulbar complexes in selected mammals (abstract) Malone,J.
- Anat Rec v.203 Evolution of Sertoli cell processes invading the cytoplasm of rat spermatids Morales,C.;Clermont,Y.
- Z Zellforsch v.89 Fine structural relation between the Sertoli cell and the differentiating spermatid in the human testis Nagano,T.
- Arch Histol Cytol v.56 Tree-dimensional structure of dog Sertoli cells: A computer-aided reconstruction from serial semi-thin sections Park,Y.S.;Abe,M.;Takehana,K.(et al.)
- Anat Rec v.a194 Spermatid-Sertoli tubulobulbar complexes asdevices for elimination of cytoplasm from the head region of late spermatids of the rat Russell,L.D.
- Anat Rec v.b194 Futher observations on tubulobulbar complexes formed by late spermatids and Sertoli cells in the rat testis Russell,L.D.
- Amer J Anat v.220 Reconstruction of a type-B coniguration monkey Sertoli cell: size, shape and configurational and specialized cell-to-cell relationships Russell,L.D.;Grardner,R.T.;Weber,J.E.
- Anat Rec v.185 Anchoring device between Sertoli cells and late spermatids in rat seminiferous tubules Russell,L.D.;Y.Clermont
- Anat Rec v.220 Dynamic changes in Sertoli cell processes invading spermatid cytoplasm during mouse spermatogenesis Sakai,Y.;Nakamoto;Yamashina,S.
- Anat Rec v.223 Mechanism for the removal of residual cytoplasm for spermatids during mouse spermiogenesis Sakai,Y.;Yamashina,S.
- Am J Anat v.172 Ultrastructure of Sertoli cell penestrating processes found in germ cells of the Golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermaphilius lateralis) Vogl,A.W.;Soucy,L.J.;Foo,V.
- Amer J Anat v.167 Tree-dimensional reconstruction of a rat stage V Sertoli cell:Ⅱ. Morphometry of Sertoli-Sertoli cell and Sertoli-germ cell relationships Weber,J.E.;Russell,L.D.;Wong,V.(et al.)
- Amer J Anat v.167 Tree-dimensional reconstruction of a rat stage V Sertoli cell:Ⅰ. Methords, basic configuration, and simensions Wong,V.;Russell,L.D.
- 한국가축번식학회지 v.11 no.2 쥐 Sertoli 세포돌기의 주사 전자현미경적 연구 박영석;이성호;권건오
- 대한수의학회지 v.32 no.3 진도견의 정자형성과 Sertoli 세포 특수 연접주의 미세구조 : Ⅱ. Sertoli 세포 특수 연접부의 미세구조 박영석;이재홍