- Prev Vet Med v.4 Development of a computerized dairy herd health data base for epidemiologic research Bartlett,P.;Kaneene,J.B.;Kirk,J.;Wilke,M.;Martenuik,J.
- Proceeding of 89th Annual Meeting of the U.S Animal Health Association, Milwaukee, WI, 27 October-1 November The animal disease survey sampling and estimation problem Beal,V.C.
- Prev Vet Med v.5 Notes about incidence calculation in observational studies Bendixen,P.H.
- V Mastitis Prev Vet Med v.5 Disease frequencies in dairy cows in Sweden Bendixen,P.H.;Vilson,B.;Ekesbo,I.;Astrand,D.B.
- Prev Vet Med v.5 Descriptive epidemiology of calfhood morbidity and mortality in New York Holstein herd Curtis,C.R.;Erb,H.N.;White,M.E.
- Proceeding of International Symposium on Animal Health and Disease Data Banks, 4-5 December 1978, Washington, DC Animal disease surbeillance in Great Britain Davies,G.
- Animal disease surveillance in Minnesota In: Cost Benefits of Food Animal Health Diesch,S.L.;J.B.Kaneene(eds.);E.C.Mather(eds.)
- Animal Production and Health Information Network(APHIN): Putting it all together In: Economics of Animal Disease Dohoo,I.R.;Stahlbaum,B.W.;E.C.Mather(eds.);J.B.Kaneene(eds.)
- Prev Vet Med v.1 Disease, production and culling in Holstein-Friesian cows.Ⅰ. The data Dohoo,I.R.;Martin,S.W.;Meek,A.H.;Sandals,W.C.D.
- Am J Epidemiol v.102 no.4 Definition of rates: some remarks on their use and misuse Elandt Johnson R.C.
- Am J Vet Res v.45 no.2 Rates of diagnosis of six disease of Holstein cows during 15-day and 21-day intervals Erb,H.N.;Smith,D.;Hillman,R.B.;Powers,P.A.;Smith,M.C.;White,M.E.;Pearson,E.G.
- Prev Vet Med v.5 Disease prevalence estimation in animal populations using two-stage sampling designs Farver,T.B.
- Arch Gen Psychiat v.33 The life table: A method for analyzing longitudinal studies Fleiss,J.L.;Dunner,D.L.;Stallone,F.;Fieve,R.R.
- Prev Vet Med v.8 The National Animal Health Monitoring System in Michigan.Ⅰ. Design, data, and Frequencies of selected dairy cattle disease Kaneene,J.B.;Hurd,H.S.
- Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative Methods Kleinbaum,D.;Kupper,L.;Morgenstern,H.
- Br Vet J v.127 A critique of the methods and results of the British National surveys Leech,F.B.
- Research Report, Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station v.487 Swine health information management system: A brief description and preliminary slaughter check data Lloyd,J.;Schwab,G.
- Am J Vet Res v.36 no.8 Dairy calf mortality rate : characteristics of calf mortality rates in Tulare County, California Martin,S.W.;Schwab,C.W.;Franti,C.E.
- Veterinary Epidemiology: Principles and Methods Martin,S.W.;Schwab,C.W.;Meek,A.H.;Willeberg,P.
- Am J Epidemiol v.103 no.2 Estimability and estimation in case-referent studies Miettinen,O.
- Int J Epidemiol v.9 no.1 Measure of disease incidence used in epidemiologic research Morgenstern,H.;Kleinbaum,D.G.;Kupper,L.
- Modern Epidemiology Rothman,K.J.
- Acta Agric Scand v.32 An epidemiologic study of calf health and performance in Norwegian dairy herds,Ⅰ. Mortality: literature review, rates and characterstics Simensen,E.
- A dairy herd information system for small computers In: Cost Benefits of Food Animal Health Stephens,A.J.;Esslemont,R.J.;Ellis,P.R.;J.B.Kaneene(eds.);E.C.Mather(eds.)
- Epidemiol Rev v.7 Epidemiology in the United States after World WarⅡ: The evolution of technique Susser,M.
- Prev Vet Med v.4 Dairy calf management, morbidity and mortality in Ontario Holstein herds.Ⅰ. The data Waltner-Toews,D.;Martin,S.W.;Meek,A.H.;McMillan,I.
- Proceeding of International Symposium on Animal Health and Disease Data Banks, 4-6 December 1978, Washington, DC The Danish swine slaughter inspection data bank and some epidemiologic applications Willeberg,P.