슬개골 내측탈구 교정술 후 지속적 파행을 보이는 개에서의 전침치료 2례

Postoperative Electroacupuncture in 2 Dogs showed Continuous Lameness after the Reduction of Medial Patellar Luxation

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Canine medial patellar luxation can cause hindlimb lameness in toy breeds and surgical operation needs when the lameness does not improve or worsen. In this study, the 2 dogs that showed postoperative non-weight bearing lameness were treated with electroacupuncture (EA) and the effects of postoperative EA were examined. Xue Hai (Sea of Blood), Du Bi (calf's nose, 2 acupoint), Zu San Li (leg 3 miles) acupoints were used in acupuncture. Xue Hai acupoint was connected to positive pole and Zu San Li was negative for 20 min with 2~5 volt, 5~30 Hz in EA. In case 1, EA were performed eight times for 26 days after 29th postoperative day and walking was improved from 6th EA. In case 2, EA were conducted five times for 17 day after 26th postoperative day and walking was improved from 4th EA. It may be possible to improve walking by EA treatment in the dogs that show post-operative non-weight bearing lameness, but the relationship between the effects of EA and the injury of stifle joint should be inspected.



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