The Changes from the Traditional Society to the ndustrial Society in Housework

가사노동의 변화: 전통사회에서 산업사회로

  • 김성희 (순천대학교 소비자·가족아동학과)
  • Published : 1999.12.01


This study investigated the changes that occurred in housework from the traditional socie쇼 focused on the Yi Dynasty to the industrial society in Korea using the methods of historical research. The changes that occurred in housework had two principal effects. The first was to integrate the work of servants and children to the work of women. In the Yi Dynasty the servants called Nobi were entrusted with the hard housework and the children from their earliest dys assisted women in the house. The second was markedly to increase the productivity of the average housewife. In the period of industrialization the household technology might have eliminated the labor of housewives but housewives took the responsibility of almost all the processes in housework.



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  2. 서울대학교 가정대학 생활과학연구 v.17 전통사회 여성의 가내노동특성과 경제적 가치 김성희
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