가장의 실직전 직업유형에 따른 실직가정의 생활실태와 대처방식

Current Living Status and Coping Strategies of Families Headed by the Unemployed

  • 발행 : 1999.06.01


Using survey data from 323 families headed by the unemployed this study investigated the characteristics of the current living status and their coping strategies according to their job status(blue or white color) Descriptive statistics t-test and chi-square test were used to analyze the data. The results revealed that families headed by the unemployed have been experiencing economic hardship hardship in housing and problems of family functoning as well as decreased level of living. The effects of unemployment were various depending upon the job type of head of the family. The family utilized several positive coping strategies to reduce financial hardships of the family Discussions and recommendations for the future research and practical welfare policy implication s for the families are identified.



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