Block Toeplitz Matrix Inversion using Levinson Polynomials

  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


In this paper, we propose detection methods for gradual scene changes such as dissolve, pan, and zoom. The proposal method to detect a dissolve region uses scene features based on spatial statistics of the image. The spatial statistics to define shot boundaries are derived from squared means within each local area. We also propose a method of the camera motion detection using four representative motion vectors in the background. Representative motion vectors are derived from macroblock motion vectors which are directly extracted from MPEG streams. To reduce the implementation time, we use DC sequences rather than fully decoded MPEG video. In addition, to detect the gradual scene change region precisely, we use all types of the MPEG frames(I, P, B frame). Simulation results show that the proposed detection methods perform better than existing methods.



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