SI엔진에서 점화 1차 전압을 이용한 방전요구전압의 측정기법과 실화적용에 관한 연구

Measurement Technique of Required Spark Voltage Using Primary Ignition Voltage and Misfire Application in a SI Engine

  • 박경석 (금오공과대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


In this study , a simple method has been developed to detect the required spark voltage by using the primary spark voltage instead of the secondary spark voltage. Through engine motoring experiments, this method testified to be quite satisfactory. Though the required spark voltage is affected by many in-cylinder conditions, temperature is one of the most important factors. The temperature increases significantly by combustion and the required spark voltage also changes by the temperature during the expansion stroke. On the basis of this fact, misfire can be monitored by comparing the required spark voltage between compression stroke and expansion stroke. So, in this study, two step ignition method is introduced to monitor combustion at expansion stroke. The test result shows that this method can be used to detect complex misfire pattern.



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