유도등에 대한 방어의 반응

Response of Amberjacks, Seriola quinqueradiata to the Attracting lamp

  • 발행 : 1999.11.01


The author examined the response of Amberjacks, Seriola quinqueradiata [TEMMINCI et SCHLIBEL] to the surface attracting lamps (0.5W, 0.8W, 1W) line in the experimental water tank (550 L$\times$58W$\times$73Hcm).The attracting rate was investigated in accordance with the intervals of lighting and putting out hour (1,5 minute) when each of the attracting lamps was gradually switched off after they were switched on all at once. The results are as follows:1. Total distribution rate of fish in the illuminated section was 92.4% (mean 18.5%) in case of 1 minute interval, and 95.8% (mean 19.2%) in case of 5 minutes interva. 2. Mean distribution rate of fish at the illuminated section: Distribution rate at interval of 1 minute were 19.0% in 1W, 18.4% in 0.5W, and 18.0% in 0.8W respectively. distribution rate at interval of 5 minutes were 19.5% in 1W, 19.2% in 0.5 W, and 18.8% in 0.8W respectively.3. Attracting rates of the last section showed very much increasing as illuminating time elapsed, but there was a little difference of attracting rates according to interval and lighting source. 4. Attracting rate of fish in only last section switched on : Attracting rate at interval in case of 1 minute were 97.0% in 1W, 86.0% in 0.8W and 74.0% in 0.5W respectively. Attracting rate at interval in case of 5 minutes were 97.3% in 1W, 90.0% in 0.5W and 88.0% in 0.8W respectively.



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