현대 건축의 신디자인 개념에 관한 연구 -포스트모던 건축의 수사학적 표현 기법을 중심으로-

A Study on the New Design Concept in the Contemporary Architecture -Focused on the rhetorical expression of the Postmodern Architecture-

  • 김은지 (정회원, 경원대학교 환경계획연구소 연구원) ;
  • 이정욱 (이사, 경원대학교 실내건축학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


The point of this study consists in analysing influences of the postmodern design in the contemporary architecture. Since the modern architecture, new concept of architectural design has been materialized in the Late-Modern and the High-tech style but the revolutionary changes has been tempted by the postmodern architects who introduced the Rhetorical language in the contemporary architecture. In concrete terms postmodern architecture divided architectural elements from existing function (according to U. Eco, it is the primary function of architecture) and gave another function which is the secondary function or the symbolic function or architecture. And the methods of deviation from the conventional code is exactly the rhetorical expression technique which governed the history of art in Europe (but these technique is more intensively applied in the postmodern architecture) So this study is purposed to analyse the different rhetorical "figyres" regarding the syntax and semantic of the architectural langyage, and particularly to approach to the basic mechanism of the New Design Concept in the Contemporary Archiecture.chiecture.



  1. Poetics of Architecture-Theory of Design;건축 시학 Antoniades, Anthony C.;김경준(역)
  2. 일반수사학 Dubois, J.(외);Rhetorique generale;용경식(역)
  3. 기호와 현대 예술 Eco, U. La struttura assente;김광현(역)
  4. 일반언어학 이론 Roman Jakobson;Essais de Linguistique general;권재일(역)
  5. The Condition of Postmodernity;포스트모더니티의 조건 Harvey, David;구동회(역);박영민(역)
  6. 현대 포스트모던 건축의 언어 Charles Jencks;배종석(역)
  7. Architecture Today James Steele
  8. 홍익대 석사학위 논문 현대 건축에 나타난 꼴라쥬적 표현에 관한 연구 박경자
  9. 홍익대 석사학위 논문 현대 디자인에서 Post-Modermism의 수용에 관한 연구 이기간
  10. A Definition of Architecture..., A+U, 7801 Robert Venturi
  11. El croquis Frank Gehry
  12. Feeling and Form Susan Langer
  13. Architecture After Modernism Diane Ghirardo