광 디스크 드라이브의 공력소음 감소에 관한 연구

A Study on Reduction of Sound Noise Induced by Disk Rotation in Optical Disk Drives

  • 송인상 (LG전자 디지털미디어연구소) ;
  • 박건순 (LG전자 디지털미디어연구소) ;
  • 최학현 (LG전자 디지털미디어연구소) ;
  • 김수경 (LG전자 디지털미디어연구소) ;
  • 이승엽 (서강대학교 공과대학 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


We study the characteristics of airflow and sound noise induced by disk rotation in optical disk drives. The characteristics of airflow around a rotating disk surrounded by various tray structures are numerically investigated using a commercial CFD program and then compared with experimental results. Sound pressure and intensity caused by the fluid-structure interactions in the CD/DVD-ROM drive are measured, and the effect of the ariflow on the sound noise and disk vibration is discussed. In order to reduce airflow-induced noise and vibration around the rotating disk, tray geometry is modified. Both numerical and experimental studies implemented with different tray models show that the improved tray model alters the characteristics of the disk-induced airflow, causing the reduction of the airflow-induced sound level.



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  2. Journal of Sound and Vibration v.168 no.1 Aerodynamically Excited Vibration and Flutter of a Thin Disk Rotating at Supercritical Speed C. D. Angelo III;C. D. Mote Jr.
  3. International Conference on Microme Chatronics for Information and Precision Equipment Flutter Reduction Reduction by cetrifugal Airflow for High-Rotation-Speed Disks S. Imai;K.Mori;T.Okazaki
  4. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics v.65 Critical Speed for Floppy Disks A. A. Renshaw
  5. JSME International Journal Series III v.35 no.3 Self-Exicited Oscillations of a Circular Disk Rotating in Air K. Yasuda;T. Torii;T. Shimizu
  6. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics v.62 On the Instability Mechanisms of a Disk Rotating Close to a Rigid Surface F.-Y. Huang;C. D. Mote, Jr.
  7. IEEE Journal on Magnetics in Japan v.TJMJ-2 R/W Experiment Using High Speed Flexible Disk K. Yasuda;R. Kaneko
  8. 한국소음진동공학회, 춘계학술대회논문집 광디스크 드라이브의 최근 동향과 기계적 진동의 영향 이승엽
  9. Boundary-layer Theory(Seventh edition) Hermann Schlichting
  10. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics v.33 no.1 Characterization of Disk Vibrations on Aluminum and Alternate Substrates J. McAllister
  11. 한국소음진동진동공학회, 춘계학술대회논문집 광자기 기록장치에서의 디스크 진동과 회전 공기 유동 특성에 관한 연구 김수경;송인상;손희기
  12. Information Storage and Processing Systmes Division, IMECE : ASME Winter Annual Meeting, v.ISPS-Vol.4 Mechanical Issues in Optical Disk Drives S.-Y. Lee;S. Kim
  13. IEEE Transactions on Consum er Electronics v.44 no.3 A study of Character of Disk Vibration and Rotating Airflow in Magneto Optical Disk Drives S. Kim;G.Han;H. Son