시멘트 페이스트의 특성에 미치는 흡수성폴리머의 영향

Effects of Absorbent Polymer on the Moisture Resistance and Hydration Characteristics of Cement Pastes

  • 발행 : 1999.05.01


Absorbent polymer-cement composites were fabricated by the semi-powder mixing OPC(ordinary Portland cement) with an absorbent polymer. The effects of absorbent polymer on the mechanical properties and the hydration characteristics were observed and the polymer-cement interaction also discussed. Absorbent polymer-cement composites showed the value of total porosity of 8vol% the value of 28 days flexural strength was up to 280 Kgf/cm2 in the case of absorbent polymer-cement composite at 1 wt% absorbent polymer content and microstructure of absorbent polymer-cement composite has been observed more dense than that of OPC paste. Accordingly the permeability of compositewas improved and so the moisture resistance was also increased. Adding polymer did not retard the hydration of OPC. It was considered from the results of IR(infrared) analysis that the functional group of absorbent polymer would be changed from unidentate to bidentate during by the hydration of cement minerals.



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