비평형 2.5 난류모델을 이용한 라그란지안 입자 확산모델 개발

Development of Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model Based on a Non-equilibrium 2.5 Level Closure Turbulence Model

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


A Lagrangian particle dispersion mode l(LPDM) coupled with the prognostic flow model based on nonequilibrium level 2.5 turbulence closure has been dcveloped to simulate the dispersion from an elevated emission source. The proposed model did not require any empirical formula or data for the turbulent statistics such as velocity variances and Lagrangian time scales since the turbulence properties for LPDM were calculated from results of the flow model. The LPDM was validated by comparing the model results against the wind tunnel tracer experiment and ISCST3 model. The calculated wind profile and turbulent velocity variances were in good agreement with those measured in the wind tunnel. The ground level concentrations along the plume centerline as well as the dispersion codfficients also showed good agreement in comparison with the wind tunnel tracer experiment. There were some discrepancies on the horizontal spread of the plume in comparison with the ISCST3 but the maximum ground level concentrations were in a good confidence range. The results of comparisons suggested that the proposed LPDM with the flow model was an effective tool to simulate the dispersion in the flow situation where the turbulent characteristics were not available in advance.



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