거대 점 오염원의 플룸에 의한 시정 장애 효과 연구

A Study on Visibility Impairment Impact of the Plume from a Vast Point Source

  • 발행 : 1999.10.01


Now that the plume of point source was suspected to have strong impact on visibility impairment in Pusan, we evaluated visibility impairment impact of the pulme from Pusan Thermo Electric Power Plant in Pusan. Level-1 and-2 analyses were carried out using VISCREEN(Visual Impact Screen model). The emission rates for this Pusan Thermo Electric Power Plant was projected to be 116g/s of nitrogen oxides(as $NO_2$). The source fails the level-1 test with a Plume perceptibility(ΔE) of 30, nearly 15 times the screeing threshold. To characterize worstcase meteorological conditions for level-2 screening, we obtained meteorological data from Mar., 1996 to Feb., 1997 of Pusan Thermo Electric Power Plant. The source fails the level-2 test with a ΔE of 17, nearly 8.5 times the screening threshold. These analyses indicated that adverse visibility impairment could not be ruled out. Therefore a Level-3 analysis was performed using PLUVUE II(Plume Visibility model). As a result, maximum reduction of visual range for 0900LST in winter was 0.9%. Visual impact of the plume from vast point source was judged to be considerable in terms of background visibility of urban area.



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  2. 연세대학교 박사학위 논문 대기 중 에어로졸이 시정장애에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 백남준
  3. 부산대학교 석사학위논문 부산지역 시정의 장기변동 경향과 시정장애원인 및 효과 연구 배주현
  4. Atmospheric Environment v.32 no.3 Implications of Ammonia Emissions Ior Fine Aerosol Formation and Visibility Impairment - A case Study from the Lower Fraser Valley British Columbia Barthelmie,R.J.;S.C.Pryor
  5. Volume 2 - Homogeneous gas phase reactions of the H₂-N₂-O₂System Evaluated Kinetic Data for high temperature reactions Baulch,D.L.;D.D.Drysdale;D.G.Horne
  6. Atmoshperic Environment v.15 Comparison of the observed and predieted visual effects caused by power plant plumes Bergstrom,R.W.;C.Seigneur;B.L.Babson;H.Y.Homan;M.A.Wojcik
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  9. Addenda to the User's Manual for the Plume Visibility Model(PLUVUE Ⅱ)EPA-600/8-84-005,NTIS PB84-158302 EPA
  10. User's Manual for the Plume Visibility Model, PLUVUEⅡ(Revised). EPA-454/8-92-008 EPA
  11. Workbook for Plume Visual Screening and Analysis(Revised).EPA-454/R-92-023 EPA
  12. Atmospheric Environment v.33 Evaluation of the reaction and optics model of emissions(ROME) Gabrnk,R.S.;R.I.sykes;C.Seigneui;P.Pai;P.Gillespie;R.W.Beigstrom;P.Saxena
  13. Vision Res. v.18 The functional area for summation to threshold for sinusoidal gratings Howell, E.R.;R F Hess
  14. Atmospheric Environment v.15 The role of radiative transfer theory in visibility modeling: efficient approximate techniques Issacs,R.G.
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  16. NPS VISIBILITY PROGRAM Visibility Protection, IMPROVE Newsietter NPS
  17. Tutorial package the VISCREEN model workbook and diskette Pacific Environmental Services
  18. Atmospheric Environment v.18 Measurments and stmulations of visual effects of particulate plumes Seigneur,C.;R.W.Bergstrom;C.D.Johnson;L.W.Richards
  19. J. Air & Waste Mange, Assoc. v.47 Formulation of second-generation reactive plume and visibility model Seigneut,C.;X.A.Wu;E.Constantinou;P.Gillespie;R.W.Bergstrom;L.Sykes;A.Venkatram;P.Karamchandani
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  21. Atmospheric Environment v.19 Predicting the visibility of chrmney plumes an intercomparison of four models with observations at a wellcontrolled power plant White,W.H.;C.Seigneur;D.W.Hernold;M.W.Eligroth;L.W.Richards;P.T.Roberts;P.S.Bhardwaja;W.D.Conner;W.E.Wilson