절삭유 냉각용 낮은 핀관의 응축 및 비등 열전달 성능에 관한 연구

A Study on the Performance of the Condensation and the Boiling Heat Transfer of Low Fin Tubes Used in Cooling of the Cutting Oil

  • 이종선 (대진대학교 기계설계공학과(생산기술연구소))
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


Heat transfer performance is studied for boiling and condensation of R-11 on integral-fin tubes. Nine tubes with trapezoidal integral-fins having fin densities from 748 to 1654fpm and 10,30 grooves and finned tubes with caves of 0.55 and 0.64 mm height respectively are tested. in case of condensation CFC-11 condensates at saturation stat of 32$^{\circ}C$ on the outside surface cooled by inside cooling water flows. And in case of boiling the refrigerant evaporates at a saturation state of 1 bar on the outside tube surface and heat is supplied by hot water which circulates inside of the tube,. The tube having fin transfer coefficient concerns fin tubes with caves show higher valve than low fin tube having find density of 1299fpm and 30grooves. The overall heat transfer coefficient of fin tube with caves is about 5155 W/mK at 2.8m/s of water velocity, The value is abuot 2.7 times higher than plain tube and 1.3 times higher than low fin tube having fin density of 1299fpm and 30 grooves.



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