시변 시간 지연을 갖는 불확실한 이산 시간 선형 시스템의 견실 안정성

Robust Stability of Uncertain Discrete-Time Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delays

  • 송성호 (한림대학교 전자공학부) ;
  • 박섭형 (한림대학교 전자공학부) ;
  • 이봉영 (한국통신 통신망 연구소)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


This paper deals with the robust stability of discrete-time linear systems with time- varying delays and norm-bounded uncertainties. In this paper, the magnitude of time-varying delays is assumed to be upper-bounded. The sufficient condition is presented in terms of linear matrix inequality. It is also shown that the robust stability of uncertain discrete-time linear systems with time-varying delays is related with the quadratic stability of uncertain discrete-time linear systems with constant time delay.



  1. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.34 Stability of x(t) = Ax(t) + Bx(t-r) T. Mori;H. Kokame
  2. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.30 Criteria for asymptotic stability of linear time-delay systems T. Mori
  3. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.25 On the relationship between zero criteria for two-variable polynomials and asymptotic stability of delay differential equations E. W. Kamen
  4. Int. J. Control v.45 α-stability of systems governed by a functional differential equation-extension of results concerning linear delay systems H. Bourles
  5. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.27 On stability independent of delay for linear systems S. D. Brierley;J. N. Chiasson;E. B. Lee;S. H. Zak
  6. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.39 Memoryless $H_{\infty}$ controllers for state delayed systems J. H. Lee;S. W. Kim;W. H. Kwon
  7. Systems and Control Letters v.28 Robust analysis and synthesis of linear time-dealy systems with norm-bounded time-varying uncertainty L. Yuan
  8. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.39 Decentralized stabilization of large-scale interconnected systems with delays Z. Hu
  9. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.37 Robust stability of delay dependence for linear uncertain systems T. Su;C. Huang
  10. Automatica v.33 Stability and stabilization of delay differential systems J. Hennet;S. Tarbouriech
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  12. Automatica v.33 Criteria for robust stability and stabilization of uncertain linear systems with time-delay X. Li;C. E. Souza
  13. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.37 Memoryless stabilization of uncertain linear systems including time-varying state-delays S. Phoojaruenchanachai;K. Furuta
  14. Automatica v.32 Robust controller design for uncertain systems with time delays : LMI approach E. T. Jeung;D. C. Oh;J. H. Kim;H. B. Park
  15. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.39 no.10 Quadratic stabilization of continuous time systems with state-delay and norm-bounded time-varying uncertainties M. S. Mahmoud;N. F. Al-Muthain
  16. Systems and Control Letters v.24 Delay independent robust stability of uncertain linear systems J. S. Luo;A. Johnson;P. P. J. van den Bosch
  17. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.37 Memoryless stabilization of uncertain linear systems including time-varying state delays S. Phoojaruenchanachai;K. Furuta
  18. Proc. of 34th Conf. Decision & Control. Robust stability of delay-difference equations E. I. Verriest;A. F. Ivanov
  19. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.36 Memoryless stabilization of uncertain dynamic delay systems : Riccati equation approach J. C. Shen;B. S. Chen;F. C. Kung
  20. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.34 Stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems including time-varying state-delay E. Cheres;S. Gutman;Z. J. Palmor
  21. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.40 On computing the maximal delay intervals for stability of linear delay systems J. Chen
  22. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design Robust stability and stabilization of uncertain linear systems with state delay : single delay case S. I. Niculescu;C. E. de Souza;J. M. Dion;L. Dugard
  23. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.37 Robust stability of delay dependence for linear uncertain systems T. J Su;C G. Huang
  24. Automatica v.33 Criteria for robust stability and stabilization of uncertain linear systems with state delay X, Li;C. E. de Souza
  25. Systems and Control Letters v.27 Robust $H_{\infty}$ control for linear discrete-time systems with norm-bounded time-varying uncertainty L. Yuan;L. E. K. Achenie;W. Jiang
  26. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control v.39 Delay-indpendent stability criterion for time-varying discrete delay systems J. W. Wu;K. S. Hong