산업지구 : 씬시내티 대도시지역내의 공간적 연계도의 측정에 관한

Industrial Districts : Measuring Degree of Spatial Linkage within the Cincinnati Metropolitan Area

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


산업지구론은 산업입지론과 지역경제개발 정책의 중요한 요소로 등장했다. 개념적으로 산업지구는 관련산업의 노동력 연계를 포함하는 수직적, 수평적 연줄망이 잘 발달된 지역이다. 기존의연구들이 경험적 연구의 계량적 기준은 없으므로, 본 연구는 미리 정의되지 않은 전통적 공업지대인 씬시내티 대도시지역을 대상으로 투입, 산출, 하청, 생산자 서비스, 정보, 협동 및 노동력 연계에 대한 국지도를 계산하였다. 비록 노동력과 생산자 서비스의 국지적 연계가 강하나 약한 물자의 수직적 연계를 보여, 대도시지역 규모에서의 산업지구 확인은 불가능하였으며 이는 다른 지역을 대상으로 하는 보다 많은 경험적 연구가 필요함을 제안한다.



  1. Who Benefits from State and ILocal Economic Development Policies? Bartik,T.J.
  2. Innovative Behaviour in Space and Time Telecommunications network externalities and regional development: empirical evidence, in Bertuglia, Lombardo and Nijkamp Capello,R.;Nijkamp,P.
  3. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings v.40 Contrasts in agglomeration: New York and Pittsburgh Chinitz,B.
  4. Cincinnati Industrial Pinpointer Industrial Map Co.
  5. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers v.23 no.3 Debunking the myth of localized agglomerations: the development of a regionalized service economy in South-East England Coe,N.M.;Townsend,A.R.
  6. Economic Development Quarterly v.9 no.3 Business strategy and cross-industry clusters Doeringer;P.B.;Terkla,D.G.
  7. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers v.17 Flexibility revisited: districts, nation-states, and the forces of production Gertler,M.S.
  8. Paper prepared for the conference, Urban-Suburban Interdependence: New Directions for Research and Policy It takes a region (or does it?): the material basis for metropolitanism and metropolitics Harrison,B.
  9. Economic Development Quarterly v.10 no.3 Clusters as an economic development tool Held,J.R.
  10. Rediscovering Urban America: Perspectives on the 1980s Cities and beyond:a look at the nations urban economy Hicks,D.A.;Rees,J.;Sommer,J.(ed.);Hicks,D.A.(ed.)
  11. Industry Week World-class productivity: Basis for the industry week formula Hill,E.W.
  12. Geography and Trade Krugman,P.
  13. Corporate Geography: Business Location Principles and Cases Laulajainen,R.;Stafford,H.A.
  14. Paper perpared for the North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association Economic role of university-industry collaboration in a regional medical devices industry cluster Maki,J.;Maki,W.
  15. Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers Formal and informal networking among small firms in the USA Malecki,E.J.;Tootle,D.M.;Young,E.M.
  16. Progress in Human Geography v.20 no.3 Industrial geography: agglomeration and local milieu Malmberg,A.
  17. The Professional Geographer v.46 no.4 Studying regions by studying firms Markusen,A.
  18. Economic Development Quarterly v.10 no.2 Studying regional development: The regional context of development McLean,B.M.
  19. Institute of Development Studies, Discussion Paper v.339 no.62 Industrial Clusters in Less-Developed Countries: a Review of Experiences and Research Agenda Nadvi,K.;Schmidz,H.
  20. The Second Industrial Divide Piore,M.;Sable,C.
  21. The Competitive Advantage of Nations Porter,M.E.
  22. Technology, Regions, and Policy Theories of regional growth and industrial location: their relevance for understanding high-technology complexes Rees,J.;Stafford,H.A.;Rees,J.(ed.)
  23. Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128 Saxenian,A.
  24. New Industrial Spaces: Flexible Production, Organization and Regional Development in North America and Western Europe New Industrial Spaces: Flexible Production Scott,A.J.
  25. Small Firms and Industrial Districts in Italy The geography of industrial districts in Italy Sforzi,F.;Goodman,E.(ed.);Bamford,J.(ed.)
  26. Geographical Analysis v.30 no.1 Plant size and clustering of manufacturing activity Sweeney,S.H.;Feser,E.J.
  27. Quantitative Analysis in Geography: an Introduction to Spatial Analysis Taylor,P.J.
  28. Regional Growth and Industrial Location Wheat,L.