우리 나라 주요 암의 지역적 분포 현황

Geographical Variation in Cancers in Korea

  • 발행 : 1999.12.01


본 연구는 전국 6개 광역시 및 각 도별로 우리 나라 주요 암의 지역적 분포 현황을 살펴보고 그러한 지역차의 원인을 규명해 보고자 한다. 전국 시 도별 암 등록 현황 자료를 토대로 위암, 직장.결장암, 간암, 폐암과 유방암의 전체 암에 대한 시 도별 상대적 위험도를 분석하여 지리정보체계(GIS)를 이용한 지도화를 근간으로 분석하였다. 위암의 경우 위암 발생의 상대적 위험도는 해당 지역 병원이 부담해야 하는 인구수와 관련성이 있는 것으로 보여졌다. 또한, 폐암의 경우도 대도시지역이 상대적으로 낮은 발병율을 보였으며, 농촌지역은 폐암의 고위험지역으로 나타났다. 이러한 폐암 환자의 분포 현황은 도시 지역에 비해서 농촌 지역의 흡연율이 높은 것과 밀접한 관련성이 있는 것으로 보인다. 직장.결장암의 상대적인 위험도도 도시지역보다는 농촌지역에서 높았다. 이러한 분포 패턴은 농촌지역의 노령화 현상과 관계가 있는 것으로 보인다. 그렇지만, 유방암의 경우 농촌지역보다 대도시지역에서 높은 발암율을 보였다. 이것은 유방암 발생이 식생활을 포함하는 서구화된 생활방식과 관련성이 있음을 시사해 주는 것이다. 간암은 부산, 경남 및 전남 지역에서 높은 환자 빈도를 나타냈다. 특히, 이 해안지역에서의 간암의 상대적으로 높은 위험성은 ‘회’의 섭취로 인한 감염성 질환과 관련이 있는 것으로 보인다.



  1. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.35 no.7 Risk factors and prevention of stomach cancer Ahn,Y.O.
  2. Journal of Korean Medical Science v.6 Incidence estimation of stomach cancer among Koreans Ahn,Y.O.;Park,B.J.;Yoo,K.Y.(et al.)
  3. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.17 no.1 Epidemiology of gastric cancer in Korea Ahn,Y.O.;Shin,M.H.
  4. Global Geocancerology: A World Geography of Human Cancers South East Asia Armstrong,R.W.;Howe,G.M.(ed.)
  5. International Journal of Cancer v.15 Environmental factors and cancer incidence and mortality in different countries, with special reference to dietary practices Armstrong,B.K.;Doll,R.
  6. British Journal of Cancer v.40 Dietary fibre and regional large-bowel cancer mortality in Britain Bingham,S.A.;Williams,D.R.R.;Cole,T.J.;James,W.P.T.
  7. Cancer Research v.35 Comments on the epidemiology of arge bowel cancer Correa,P.
  8. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.70 Diet and gastric cancer: nutrition survey in a high-risk area Correa,P.;Cuello.C.;Fajardo,L.F.;Haenszel,W.;Bolanos,O.;De Ramirez, B.
  9. The Lancet no.April Dietary cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer Cruse,P.;Lewin,M.;Clark,C.G.
  10. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.15 no.2 Correlation study on foods/ nutrients intake and the mortality/ morbidity of cancers of the stomach and the colon-rectum in Korea Cynn,M.K.;Kim,D.H.;Yoo,K.Y.
  11. Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer: Guidance for General Practitioners and Primary Care Teams Department of Health
  12. European Journal of Cancer Prevention v.6 Environmental and familial risk factors in relation to the colorectal adenomacarcinoma sequence: results of a case-control study in Burgundy(France) Faivre,J.;Boutron,M.C.;Senesse,P.;Couillault,C.;Belighiti,C.;Meny,B.
  13. International Journal of Cancer v.72 Food groups and risk of colorectal cancer in Italy Franceschi,S.;Favero,A.;La Vecchia, C.;Negri,E.;Conti,E.;Montella,M.;Giacosa,A.;Nanni,O.;Decarli,A.
  14. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.42 Cancer mortality among nuns: role of marital status in etiology of neoplastic disease in women Fraumeni,Jr.J.F.;Lloyd,J.W.;Smith,E.M.;Wagoner,J.K.
  15. Cancer Research v.54 Intake of fat, meat, and fiber in relation to risk of colon cancer in men Giovannucci,E.;Rimm,E.B.;Stampfer,M.J.;Colditz,G.A.;Ascherio,A.;Willett,W.C.
  16. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.61 Diet in the epidemiology of cancer of the colon and rectum Graham,S.;Dayal,H.;Swanson,M.;Mittelman,A.;Wilkinson,G.
  17. American Journal of Epidemiology v.128 Dietary epidemiology of cancer of the colon in western New York Graham,S.;Marshall,J.;Haughey,B.;Mittelman,A.;Swanson,M.;Zielezny,M.;Byers,T.;Wilkinson,G.;West,D.
  18. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.49 Stomach cancer among Japanese in Hawaii Haenszel,W.;Kurihara,M.;Segi,M.;Lee,R.K.C.
  19. European Journal of Cancer Prevention v.6 Cereals, cereal fibre and colorectal cancer risk: a review of the epidemiological literature Hill,M.J.
  20. The Lancet v.1 no.January Bacteria and aetiology of cancer of the large bowel Hill,M.J.;Drasar,B.S.;Aries,V.;Crowther,J.S.;Hawksworth,G.;Willams,R.E.O.
  21. Global Geocancerology: A World Geography of Human Cancers Hirayama,T.
  22. Cancer Research v.35 Epidemiology of cancer of the stomach with special reference to its recent decrease in Japan Hirayama,T.
  23. Global Geocancerology: A World Geography of Human Cancers The United Kingdom Howe,G.M.(ed.)
  24. International Journal of Cancer v.26 A case-control study of diet and colo-rectal cancer Jain,M.;Cook,G.M.;Davis,F.G.;Grace,M.G.;Howe,G.R.;Miller,A.B.
  25. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.35 no.1 Risk factors of liver cancer Jung,S.H.;Lee,H.S.
  26. Cancer Causes and Control v.6 Vegetable and animal products as determinants of colon cancer risk in Dutch men and women Kampman,E.;Verhoeven,D.;Sloots,L.;Veer,P.V.
  27. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.38 no.2 Treatments and survival rates for 5 major cancers in Korea Kim,J.P.
  28. Journal of Korean Medical Doctor Society v.39 no.8 Programmes for breast cancer screening in Korea Kim,I.C.;Moon,H.L.
  29. Journal of Korean Medical Doctor Society v.39 no.8 Programmes for liver cancer screening in Korea Kim,P.S.;Park,Y.M.
  30. Cancer Biology King,R.J.B.
  31. British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine v.31 Foods and diseases Knox,E.G.
  32. The 6th Report of the Tuberculosis Survey Korean Association for Prevention of Tuberculosis
  33. Epidemiology v.8 Dietary fiber and colorectal cancer risk Le Marchand, L.;Hankin,J.H.;Wilkens,L.R.;Kolonel,L.N.;Englyst,H.N.;Lyn,L.C.
  34. International Journal of Epidemiology v.24 no.1 Dietary factors and stomach cancer: a case-control study in Korea Lee,J.K.;Park,B.J.;Yoo,J.Y.;Ahn,Y.O.
  35. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.35 no.11 Factors and epidemiology of large intestine cancer Lee,B.H.;Woo,J.H.
  36. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.15 no.1 A case-control study on risk factors of five major cancers in adult Koreans Maeng,K.H.
  37. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.35 no.5 Epidemiology of lung cancer in Korea Maeng,K.H.
  38. Medical Hypotheses v.3 Dietary factors in a study of colon cancer from cancer registry, with special reference to the role of saliva, milk and fermented milk products and vegetable fibre Malhotra,S.L.
  39. Gastroenterology v.5 Genetic aspects of gastrointestinal cancer McConnell,R.B.
  40. The Epidemiology of Cancer Cancer of the colon and rectum Miller,A.B.;Bourke,G.J.(ed.)
  41. Annual Report of Cancer Registry Programme in Korea 1994 Ministry of Health and Welfare
  42. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.55 Low-fibre intake as an etiologic factor in cancer of the colon Modan,B.;Barell,V.;Lubin,F.;Modan,M.;Greenberg,R.A.;Graham,S.
  43. A Statistical Yearbook by Regions 1994 National Statistical Bureau
  44. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.17 no.1 Epidemiology of lung cancer in Korea Oh,H.C.
  45. Racial and Ethnic Differences in Disease Polednak,A.P.
  46. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.76 Diet and cancer of the colon and rectum: a case-control study Potter,J.D.;McMichael,A.J.
  47. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America v.25 no.4 Epidemiology and risk factors for colorectal cancer Sandler,R.S.
  48. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Large intestine Schottenfeld,D.;Winawer,S.J.;Schottenfeld,D.(ed.);Fraumeni,J.F.(ed.)
  49. Seoul Statistical Yearbook Seoul Metropolitan Government
  50. Annual Report of School Health in Seoul Seoul School Health Institute
  51. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.17 no.1 Epidemiology of liver cancer in Korea Shin,H.R.
  52. IARC Scientific Publications No. 107 Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the European Economic Community Smans,M.;Muir,C.S.;Boyle,P.
  53. American Journal of Epidemiology v.139 Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa Women`s Health Study Steinmetz,K.A.;Kushi,L.H.;Bostick,R.M.;Folsom,A.R.;Potter,J.D.
  54. Cancer in Asia, Gann Monograph on Cancer Research 18 Primary hepatic carcinoma, in Thailand Stitnimankarn,T.;Hirayama,T.(ed.)
  55. Atlas of Cancer Incidence in England and Wales1968-85 Swerdlow,A;dos Santos Silva, I.
  56. Journal of the National Cancer Institute v.67 Incidence of cancer of the large bowel in women in relation to reproductive and hormonal factors Weiss,N.S.;Daling,J.R.;Chow,W.H.
  57. International Journal of Epidemiology v.18 no.3 Colorectal cancer incidence among Chinese in North America and the Peoples Republic of China : varition with sex, age and anatomical site Whittemore,A.S.
  58. Cancer Research v.35 The epidemiology of large bowel cancer Wynder,E.L.
  59. Journal of Korean Medical Society v.35 no.4 Risk factors in breast cancer Yoo,K.Y.;Ahn,Y.O.
  60. Korean Journal of Epidemiology v.17 no.1 Epidemiological characteristics of breast cancer incidence in Korea Yoo,K.Y.;Rho,D.Y.;Choi,K.J.
  61. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention The incidence of cancer in the United States Young,J.L.;Pollack,E.S.;Schottenfeld,D.(ed.);Fraumeni,J.F.(ed.)
  62. Important Advances in Oncology Epidemiologic patterns of colorectal cancer Ziegler,R.G.;Devesa,S.S.;Fraumeni Jr. J. F.;Devita,V.T.(ed.);Hellman,S.(ed.);Rosenberg,S.A.(ed.)