• 발행 : 1999.09.01


Let E be an elliptic curve over with complex multiplication. Suppose that E is defined over F= (j(E)). We study possible degrees of F-isogenies of E.



  1. Bengamin notes Class field theory E. Artin;J. Tate
  2. Proc. London Math. Soc. v.28 Modular invariants expressible in terms of quadratic and cubic irrationalities W. E. H. Berwick
  3. Lecture notes in math. no.476 Modular functions of one variables Ⅳ B. J. Birch;W. Kyuk (ed.)
  4. Primes of the form x²+ny² D. Cox
  5. Compositio Math. v.58 A remark about isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields G. Frey
  6. Israel J. Math. v.85 Curves with infinitely many points of fixed degree G. Frey
  7. Lecture notes in math. no.776 Arithmetic on elliptic curves with complex multiplication B. Gross
  8. Invent. Math. v.84 Heegner points and derivatives of L-series B. Gross;D. Zagier
  9. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. v.87 The modular curves $X_0(65)\;and\;X_0(91)$ and rational isogeny M. A. Kenku
  10. Publ. Math. IHES v.47 Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal B. Mazur
  11. Invent. Math. v.44 Rational isogenies of prome degree B. Mazur
  12. Compositio Math. v.97 isogenies of prome degree over number fields F. Momose
  13. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. v.81 Diophantine equations and modular curves A. Ogg
  14. J. of Number Theory v.33 Rational torsion in complex-multiplication elliptic curves J. L. Parish
  15. Invent. Math. v.15 Proprietes galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques J. P. Serre
  16. The arithmetic of elliptic curves J. H. Silverman
  17. Advanced topics in the arithmetic of elliptic curves J. H. Silverman
  18. A course of modern analysis E. T. Whittaker