• Ahn, Seong-Soo (Department of Mathematics, dongshin University) ;
  • Choi, Young-Suk (Department of mathematics, KyungPook National University) ;
  • Suh, Young-Jin (Department of mathematics, KyungPook National University)
  • 발행 : 1999.08.01


The purpose of this paper is to give another new characterization of ruled real hypersurfaces in a complex space form $M_n$(c), c$\neq$0 in terms of the covariant derivative of its Weingarten map in the direction of the structure vector $\xi$.



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  3. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.269 Focal sets and real hypersurfaces in complex projective space T. E. Cecil;P.J. Ryan
  4. Math. J. Okayama v.32 On real hypersurfaces of a complex space form U.-H. Ki;Y. J. Suh
  5. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. v.296 Real hypersurfaces and complex submanifolds in complex projective space M. Kimura
  6. Math. Ann. v.276 Sectional curvatures of a holomorphic plane in P$_n$(C) M. Kimura
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  9. Tuskuba J. Math. v.14 Real hypersurfaces of a complex projective space in terms of holomorphic distributions S. Maeda;S. Udagawa
  10. Tight and Taut Submanifolds Real hypersurfaces in complex space forms R. Niebergall;P. J. Ryan;T.E. Cecil(ed.);S.-s. Chern(ed.)
  11. Nihonkai Math. J. v.6 Characterizations of real hypersurfaces in complex space forms in terms of Weingarten map Y. J. Suh
  12. Osaka J. Math. v.10 On homogeneous real hypersurfaces of a complex projective space R. Takagi
  13. CR submanifolds of Kaehlerian and Sasakian manifolds K. Yano;M. Kon
  14. J. Math. Soc. Japan v.37 Real hypersurfaces of a complex hyperbolic space S. Montiel