연구 과제 주관 기관 : 포항제철(주), 한양대 초대형 구조시스템 연구센타 (STRESS)
- 한국강구조학회 v.10 no.2 관통형 고력볼트를 사용한 엔드-플레이트형식 콘크리트 충전 각형강관 기둥. H형강 보 접합부의 거동에 관한 실험적 연구 원동연
- Jouranl of Sructural Engineering v.123 no.12 Evaluation of Rigidity of Extended End-Plate Connections Hasan, R.;Kishi, N.;Chen, W.F.;Komuro, M.
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.116 no.11 Classification System for BeamTo-Column Connection Bjorhovde, R.
- Journal of the Structural Division v.106 no.ST1 Beam-to-Column Momnt Oxmections Paul Grundy;Ian R Thomas;Ian D. Bennetts
- Stability Design of Semi-Rigid Frames Chen, W.F.;Yoshiaki Goto;Richard Liew, J.Y.
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.112 no.3 Moment-Rotatirn Curves for Bolted Connection Yoke Leong Yee;Melchers, Robert E.
- Plastic capacity of endplaate and flange cleated connections-prediction and design rules Jaspart. Jean-Pierre;Maquoi, Rene
- Journal of Structural Engineering v.118 no.5 Prying and Shear in End-Plate Connection Design Chasten, Cameron P.;Lu, Le-Wu;Driscoll, George C.
- Steel Structures Gaylord, Edwin H.;Gaylord, Charles N.;Stallmeyer, James E.
- Manual of steel construction;Load & resistance factor design, Volumn II Connections
- 日本建築學會構造系論文集 no.476 スブリットティによる高力ボルト引張接合部の塑性麥形性狀 千田 光;鈴木敏郞;小河利行