도시내 주거이동 결정요인과 희망 주거지역 분석

Determinants of Intraurban Residential Mobility and Hopeful Residential Area in Futur: The Case of Pusan

Choe, Yeol

  • 발행 : 1999.10.31


The aim of this paper is to explore the determinants of intraurban residential mobility and the hopeful residential area in pusan. That is, this paper identifies what factors and aspects are substantially associated with residents's intraurban residential mobility. Also, it tries to reveal intraurban residential mobility pattern. The analysis of probit model employed for the excavation of the determinants of intraurban residential mobility shows that the variables to denote public service and neighborhood facilities(school, park, hospital and shopping facility) plays a role in mobility decisions. As the major findings of residential mobility pattern in pusan, it is found that the hopeful residential area(ku) is slightly different in accordance with household status(e.g., age, education) and physical housing characteristics. In public service and neighborhood facilities case, the hopeful residential area is much similar. However, as a rule, most residents considerably expressed to prefer 'Dongrae ku, Kuemjung ku, and Haeundae ku' out of 16 ku as the area to live in future without relation to any factors. These results provide for policy makers concerning residential mobility and residential location, etc., with reliable information.



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