이완요법(弛緩療法)에 관한 연구

A Research of Relaxation therapy

  • 신용철 (경희의료원 한방병원 한방기공진료실)
  • Shin Yong-Cheol (Dept. of Oriental Qigong, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 1999.12.30


In the study of the Relaxation therapy of Qi-gong, the results were as follows: 1. Although there are various ways to practice qigong, the following three elements should always be included. There are regulation of mind, body and respiration, among which regulation of mind is the most important one. Regulating the mind into a state of tranquility. is the most fundamental skill in qigong therapy. So smoothing the circulation of meridians, strengthened Essential-material(精), Qi(氣), Sprit(神). 2. The Qigong therapy makes the body and mind relaxed, and it is helpful of preventation of disease and mental health. And it treats neurosis, somatoform disease, and it uses resoluton of stress. As a result, The Qigong-therapy is preservation of health, raises the resistance of disease. 3. The Qigong therapy is more effective by application of music, aroma, taping-therapy.



  1. 東醫神經精神科學 金相孝
  2. 禪과 精神分析 金鎔貞(譯)
  3. 診療要鑑 金定濟(編)
  4. 導人氣功學 辛民敎(外)
  5. 명상기공클리닉 申容徹
  6. 人間과無意識의象徵 李符永(外譯)
  7. 活人心方 李退溪
  8. 아로마테라피 이세희(편저)
  9. 中國氣功 林準圭(譯)
  10. 키네시오테이프요법 장정훈(역)
  11. 東醫寶監 許浚
  12. 東醫精神醫學 黃義完
  13. 精校 黃帝 內經 洪元植(編)
  14. 意松靜功修練法 明治國(編)
  15. 實驗氣功療法 劉貴珍
  16. 醫學入門 李천
  17. 中國氣功學槪論 趙寶峰(外)