Thermal response of porous media cooled by a forced convective flow

강제대류에 의해 냉각되는 다공물질의 열응답 특성

  • 백진욱 (한국과학기술연구원 공조·환경제어연구팀) ;
  • 강병하 (한국과학기술연구원 공조·환경제어연구) ;
  • 현재민 (한국과학원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 1998.09.01


The experimental investigation of thermal response characteristics by the air flow through the porous media has been carried out. The packed spheres of steel or glass were considered as the porous media in the present study. Temperature distributions of the fluid in the porous media as well as pressure drops through the porous media were measured. The transient temperature variations in the porous media are compared favorably with the analytical results in the high Reynolds number ranges. However, in the low Reynolds number ranges, the experimental data deviate from the analytical results, due to the dominant heat conduction penetration to the upstream direction, which is not considered in the analytical model. The cool-down response of porous media is found to be dependent upon the specific dimensionless time considering the material property and air velocity. The heat discharge process is recommended to be operated until a certain time, considering the cost efficiency.
