Investigating Student뷰s Private Perceptions of Scientists and their Work in Elementary and Middle School : Modified DAST and Interview.

변형된 DAST와 인터뷰를 이용한 과학자에 대한 이미지와 과학자가 하는 일에 관한 초.중등 학생의 인식 조사

  • 여상인 (서울대학교 화학교육과)
  • Published : 1998.06.01


A number of studies have shown that students have a stereotyped image of a scientist, and this image is often a rather negative. Earlier work on images of the scientist revealed to be consistent across the various social classes and across countries. This study aimed to examine a Korean students' stereotyped images of scientist, compare it with earlier work, and also find out whether students have other ideas about scientist, apart from the stereotyped image. To these purposes, modified DAST and individual interviews were carried out with 217 students and 53 students, respectively. The results are as follows : 1. Most of the students portrayed the scientist as a neat and young man with well-featured face, which was different from earlier studies. 2. Year 3 boys described the scientist as a mu, but year 3 girls as a woman. 3. Most of the students gave positive answers which were at variance with the streotyped image. 4. An interview asking only one question was a complement to DAST. It was concluded that students have private perceptions of scientists and their work, as well as a stereotyped image.
