운전자의 특성에 따른 자동차 운전 수행도 분석

Analysis of Driving Performances on the Characteristics of Drivers

  • 오영진 (상지대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


Driving performance is characterized by many things such as driver's experience period, age, ability of information processing and reaction time of control devices and so forth. However, each factor of driving performance is needed to help and screen a poor driver for safe driving. In this paper, driving performance was estimated by reaction of manipulating brake, accelerator, steering wheel and speed. Subjects were grouped by experience of accident and age. Combinations of every group were analysed. For all the dependent variables, only steering wheel and speed were shown to have significant difference, which could be regarded as visual information of speed and direction were the important factors to drive safely. Especially for tile elderly, it is needed to enhance their ability of visual information processing that is to be decreased with aging. Therefore driving simulator to train and screen the poor driver should be studied.
