- Journal of the Ametican Statistical Association v.88 Confidence Bands for the Median Survial Time as a Function of the Covariates in the Cox Model Burr, D.;Doss, H.
- Biometerika v.74 Estimates and Confidence Intervals for Median and Mean Life in the Proportional Jazard Model Dabrowska, D. M.;Doskum, K. A.
- Smoothing Techniques with Implementation in S Hardle, W.
- The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data Kalbfleisch, J. d.;Prentice, R. L.
- The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics v.9 A Goodness-of -Fif Test Based on Martinfale Residula fo the Additive Risk Model Kom, J. H.;Lee, S. Y.
- Journal of the Korean Staistical Society v.24 A Goodness-of-Fit Test for the Additive Risk Model with a Binaty Convariate Kim, J. H.;Song, M. S.
- Biometrika v.81 Semiparametric Analysis of the Additive Risk Model Lin, D. Y.;Ying, Z.
- The Annals of Statistics v.23 Semiparametric Analysis of General Additive-Multiplicative Intensity Models for Counting Processes Lin, D. Y.;Ying,Z.
- The Annals of Ststistics v.23 Smoothing Counting Process Intensities by Means of Kernel Functions Functions Ramlau-Hansen, H.
- Density Estimation for staistics and Data Analysis Silverman, B. W.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.90 Survival Analysis with Median Regression Models Ying, Z.;Jung, S. H.;Wei, L. J.