Parental Abuse and Maladjustment Perceived by Middle School Student

중학생이 지각한 부모의 학대와 자녀의 부적응

  • Published : 1998.12.01


This study investigated the relationship between parental abuse and maladjustment per ceived by middle school student. The subjects were 448 middle school students in Kwangju. The main results of this study were as follows ; 1. There were found significant differences according to background variables in parental abuse and maladjustment. Physical abuse was found significantly different according to gender of the child and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents, but emotional abuse was found significantly different according to job of the father and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents. And, neglect was found significantly different according to educational level of the father and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents. Social withdrawal was found significantly cliff erent according to gender of the child, family income and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents, but hyperactivity was found significantly different according to gender of the child and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents. Agression and retreat were found significantly different according to gender of the child and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents. Obsessive-compulsion was found significantly different according to unreasonable_ rearing behavior of the parents. 2.There were significantly positive correlation between parental abuse and maladjustment. 3. The findings of multiple regression analysis demonstrated that neglect, physical abuse, family income, gender of child were found to be important variables in predicting social with drawal. Neglect, unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents, phsical abuse, gender of child were found to be important variables in predicting hyperactivity. Neglect, emotional abuse, and unreasonable rearing behavior of the parents were found to be important varialbes in predicting aggression. Gender of the child. emotional abuse, and unreasonable reanng behavior. of the parents were found to be important variables in predicting retreat. And, unreasonable rearlng behavior of the parents. neglect. and physical abuse were f ouod to be Importan variabJes in predicting obsessive-compulsion.lsion.



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