A Geometric Constraint Solver for Parametric Modeling

  • Published : 1998.12.01


Parametric design is an important modeling paradigm in CAD/CAM applications, enabling efficient design modifications and variations. One of the major issues in parametric design is to develop a geometric constraint solver that can handle a large set of geometric configurations efficiently and robustly. In this appear, we propose a new approach to geometric constraint solving that employs a graph-based method to solve the ruler-and-compass constructible configurations and a numerical method to solve the ruler-and-compass non-constructible configurations, in a way that combines the advantages of both methods. The geometric constraint solving process consists of two phases: 1) planning phase and 2) execution phase. In the planning phase, a sequence of construction steps is generated by clustering the constrained geometric entities and reducing the constraint graph in sequence. in the execution phase, each construction step is evaluated to determine the geometric entities, using both approaches. By combining the advantages of the graph-based constructive approach with the universality of the numerical approach, the proposed approach can maximize the efficiency, robustness, and extensibility of geometric constraint solver.



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