파형 분석을 통한 대신호 전력증폭기의 설계

The design of large-signal power amplifier using waveform analysis

  • 이승준 (서울대학교 전기공학부) ;
  • 김병성 (성균관대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 남상욱 (서울대학교 전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 1998.04.01


본 논문에서는 출력측의 전류 및 전압 파형 분석을 통한 대신호 전력증폭기의 새로운 설계 방법을 제시하였다. 기존의 고효율 이론인 하모닉 로딩 이론을 좀더 실제 소자에 적합하도록 수정하여 적용하였으며, 전력증폭기의 대신호 동작시 발생하는 바이어스점의 변화를 고려하여 '대신호 입력시의 실제적인 바이어스점'의 개념을 제시하였다. 제시된 이론을 바탕으로 HEMT 소자를 사용하여 2GHz대의 전력증폭기를 제작하였으며, 제작된 증폭기는 2V의 바이어스 전압에 대해 14dBm의 출력과 46%의 드레인 효율, 38%의 전력부가효율 및 7.8dB의 전력이득의 특성을 나타냈다.

In this paper, a new method is proposed for a simple andaccurate design of larage-sigal power amplifier using the output current- and volage- waveform analysis. An existing high-efficiency theory, Harmonic Loading, is modified to apply to a real device, and the notion of "actual bias point at large-signal input" is proposed. Based on the proposed theory, 2GHz band poweramplifier is implemented using HEMT device, and the implemented amplifier shows 14dBm output power, 46% drain efficienty, 38% power-added efficiency and 7.8dB gain at 2V bias voltage.



  1. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices v.14 no.12 A theoretical Analysis and Experimental Confirmation of the Optimally Loaded and Overdriven RF Power Amplifier D. M. Snider
  2. IEEE Trans. MTT v.42 no.6 An Experimental Study of the Effects of Harmonic Loading on Microwave MESFET Oscillators and Amplifiers P. Berini;M. Desgagne;F. M. Ghannouchi;R. G. Bosisio
  3. IEEE Trans. MTT v.34 no.12 High-Efficiency 1-, 2-, and 4-W Class-B FET Power Amlifiers J. R. Lane;R. G. Freitag;H. K. Hahn;J. E. Degenford;M. Cohn
  4. IEEE MTT-S Digest Harmonic Tuning of Power FETs at X-Band M. A. Khatibzadeh;H. Q. Tserng
  5. Proc. 23rd European Microwave Conference High efficiency, highly compact L-Band power amplifier for DECT application A. Herrera;D. Artal;E. Puechberty;D. Masliah
  6. Proc. 23rd European Microwave Conference Design of high power added efficiency FET amplifiers operating with very low drain bias voltages for use in mobile telephones at 1.7 GHz S. Dietsche;C. Dubanaud;G. Pataut;J. Obregon
  7. IEEE Trans. MTT v.22 no.12 Automatic Load Contour Mapping for Microwave Power Transistors J. M. Cusack
  8. IEEE Trans. MTT v.32 no.3 Computer-Aided Error Correction of Large-Signal Load-Pull Measurements R. S. Tucker
  9. IEEE MTT-S Digest A High Power On-Wafer Pulsed Active Load Pull System D. D. Poulin
  10. IEEE MTT-S Digest A New Multi-Harmonic Load-Pull Method for Non Linear Device Characterization and Modeling R. Larose
  11. IEEE MTT-S Digest A Theory for the Prediction of GaAs FET Load-Pull Power Contours S. C. Cripps
  12. Microwave Transistor Amplifiers Analysis and Design G. Gonzalez
  13. Microwave Circuit Design G. D. Vendelin
  14. Microwave Journal Output Performance of Idealized Microwave Power Amlifiers L. J. Kushner
  15. High-Power GaAs FET Amplifiers John L. B.
  16. IEEE MTT-S Digest High Efficiency Power Amplification for Microwave and Millimeter Frequencies W. S. Kopp;S. D. Pritchett
  17. IEEE MTT-S Digest Maximum Efficiency Tuning of Microwave Amplifiers L. C. Hall;R. J. Trew
  18. IEEE MTT-S Digest A High Power and High Efficiency Amplifier With Controlled Second-harmnic Source Impedance M. Maeda;H. Takehara;M. Nakamura;Y. Ota;O. Ishikawa
  19. IEEE Trans. MTT v.43 no.12 Source Second-Harmonic Control for High Efficiency Power Amplifiers M. Maeda;H. Masato;H. Takehara;M. Nakamura;S. Morimoto;H. Fujimoto;Y. Ota;O. Ishikawa