The Linearity of algebraic Inversion and a Modification of Knudsen-Nyberg Cipher

  • Published : 1998.03.01


K. Nyberg and L.R. Knudsen showed a prototype of a DES-like cipher$^{[1]}$ which has a provable security against differential cryptanalysis. But in the last year, at FSE'97 T. Jakobsen ane L.R.Knudsen broked it by using higher order differential attack and interpolation attack$^{[2]}$ . Furthermore the cipher was just a theoretically proposed one to demonstrate how to construct a cipher which is procably secure against differential cryptanalysis$^{[3]}$ and it was suspected to have a large complexity for its implementation.Inthis paper the two improved results for the dfficidnt hardware and software implementation.



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  2. Advances in Cryptology - Fast Software Encryption'96, Lecture Notes in Computer Science The Interpolation Attack on Block Ciphers T. Jakobsen;L.R. Knudsen
  3. Standard Differential Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption E. Biham;A. Shamir
  4. Finite Fields, Encyclopedia of Math, and its Application, #20 R. Lidl;H. Niederreiter
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