- Advances in Geophysics Principles and applications of microearthquake networks Lee, W-H-K.;Steward, S-W.
- Jour. Korean Earth Science Society v.17 Source mechanism of the sourthern Yellow Sea earthquake by waveform inversion Kim, S-K.;Kim, M-S.;Sub, K-W.
- International Symposium and Study Tour on Continental Seismicity and Earthquake Prediction Midplate, plate-margin, and plate boundary earthquakes and stress transmission in Far East Shimazaki, K.
- Doctorial Thesis, Uppsala Univ. Source Parameters of Shallow Intraplate Earthquakes in and Around the Korean Peninsula and Their Tectonic Implication Jun, M-S.
- Kor. Soc. Eng. Geol. v.1 A study on the focal mechanism of the Hongsung Earthquake from the P-wave polarity distributions Kim, J-K.
- Jour. Geol. Soc.Korea v.30 Estimation of peak ground motions in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula (I), Estimation of spectral parameters Noh, M-H.;Lee, K.
- KR-93-1C-4, Korea Institute of Geology, Mining & Materials Summary of seismological study around the Yangsan Fault Jun, M-S.;Chi, H-C.;Jeon, J-S.;Chung, S-H.
- In Digital seismogram Analysis and Waveform Inversion v.3 Inversion of teleseismic body waves McCaffrey, R.;Abers, G.;Zwick, P.(aut.);lee, W.H.K.(ed.)
- J. Geophys. Res. v.75 Tectonic stress and the spectra of seismic shear waves from earthquakes Brune, J-N.
- Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. v.62 The use of body-wave spectra in the determination of seismic-source parameters Hanks, T-C.;Wyss, M.
- Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. v.66 Dynamics of an expanding circular fault Madariaga, R.