Time-Lapse 촬영방법을 이용한 도심 광장의 이용행태에 관한 연구 -청량리 역광장을 사례로-

The Observationi of User Behaviors of the Urban Plaza using Time-Lapse Record-A case study of Chungryangri Station Plaza-

  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


The ultimate goal of this study can be summed up as follows: First, the utility of Time-Lapse that observes and records people's behavior will be shown and its merits and demerits will be discussed through comparing with other data-collecting methods such as the naked- eye observation, and the specific way in which Time-Lapse can be put to use will be suggested. Second, analysis of use behavior boserved in the plaza of Chungryangri station by Time-Lapse will be made, on the basis of which suggestions will be made concerning planing, designing, layout, and management of the station plaza. Time-Lapse can observe and records the plaza of Chungryangri Staton through 6 different ways of recording in Time-Lapse: 30 seconds, every minute, every two minutes, second every five minutes, every one tenth of a second, and every one fifth of a second, and these different ways of recording were analyzed through comparison from one to each other to check their respective utilities. And also analysis of tracks of pedestrians, density, and use behavior of users were made, according to which the way in which Time-Lapse can be utilized was examined. Several useful results obtained from this study are shown as follows. First, Time-Lapse made it possible to continuously observe for a long time using minimu efforts, and a single tape which is able to cover from 12 hours up to 25 days is useful for observing variation of behavior in space with the passage of time and seasons. Second, among six ways of recording, the recording every one tenth of a second and every one fifth of a second are useful for finding the tracks of pedestrians, the number of users, the member compositions, the time spent in one place, and manner of use. And besides the moving direction and its purpose can be recognized in a short time, which makes it possile to see where crossings of moving directions occur. Third, the recording every thirty seconds, every minute, every two minutes, and every five minutes are useful for analyzing the density in space as well as for finding the number of users and frequency of facilities use. In particular the recording every thirty seconds made it possible to keep the track of pedestrians' walking, and to observe even slowly moving motions such as cleaning. But when the recording interval exceeds one minute, this was not possible. Fourth, time-lapse has advantages over the naked eye observation in several respects. Time-lapse can measure observed behavior and density in terms of number, and locate the position of users. Time-Lapse, if accompanied by other methods such as interviewing and question that can examine psychological aspects like satisfaction or the purpose of use and be a useful device for space studies.



  1. 방법론 강의 김광웅
  2. 현대조사방법론 김병진
  3. 국민대 석사학위논문 광장구성 및 이용형태에 관한 연구 김보원
  4. 홍익대 석사학위논문 서울도심 미관광장에 관한 연구 김석대
  5. 중앙대 박사학위논문 노인 여가시설 공간의 이용성향과 형태에 관한 연구 김창국
  6. 서울대 환경대학원 석사학위논문 철도역의 공공공간계획에 관한 연구 곽노상
  7. 철도시설 역전광장의 계획 유시락
  8. 사회조사 유종주
  9. 연세대 산업대학원 석사학위논문 철도역 대합실 공간사용 형태에대한 조사연구 이규택
  10. 청량리의 공간과 일상 진양교
  11. 서울과학연구방법 차배근
  12. 문화인류학 개론 한상복
  13. 환경과 형태 Porteous, J. D;송보영(역)
  14. 공간과 장소 Tuan, Y. F;정영철(역)
  15. 사용자를 위한 환경설계 연구방법 Zeisel, J;조대성(외3명 역)
  16. Methods in Environmental and Behavioral Research Betchtel, R. B;R. W. Marans;W. Michelson
  17. Environmental Design Evaluation Fridemann, A;C. Zimring;E. Zube
  18. Environmental Psychology Heimstra, M
  19. Foundations of Behavioral Research Foundations of Behavioral Research Kerlinger, F. N
  20. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces Whyte, W. H
  21. Inquiry by Design Zeisel, J