OPAC user studies

온라인 열람목록의 이용자연구

  • Published : 1998.09.01


The findings of the CLR-OPAC studies and the major OPAC user studies are analyzed and sythesized. They are described, dividing into three categories: characteristics of users, user instruction, and user interface. Data gathering methods, and their strengths and weaknesses are also discussed.

CLR-OPAC 연구와 그 이후에 수행된 주요 온라인 열람목록의 이용자연구 결과를 분석, 종합하였다. 각 연구에서 다루고 있는 내용에 따라 이용자의 개인적 특성, 이용자 교육, 이용자 인터페이스의 세가지 범주로 나누어 기술하였다. 이용자 연구에 사용되는 각 데이터수집방법의 장단점과 각 방법을 통하여 입수할 수 있는 데이터의 유형에 대해서도 언급하였다.



  1. 석사학위논문, 이화여자대학교 온라인목록 이용자와 비이용자에 관한 연구-ELS와 YOURS를 중심으로 박민아
  2. 석사학위논문, 숙명여자대학교 교육대학원 대학도서관 온라인 열람목록의 이용자 인터페이스 분석 박수희
  3. 현대사회과학연구 v.4 국내 대학도서관 온라인 열람목록의 이용자 인터페이스 특성에 관한 연구 사공복희
  4. 박사학위논문, 연세대학교 대학도서관 온라인 열람목록의 이용행태에 관한 연구 사공복희
  5. Journal of Documentation v.46 no.1 Information Seeking in Online Catalogues Akeroyd, Joan
  6. Subject Analysis in Online Catalogs Aluri, Rao(et al.)
  7. College & Research Libraries v.45 no.2 Patterns of Searching and Success Rates in an Online Public Access Catalog Alzofon,S.R.;N. Van Pulis
  8. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.12 no.2 A Conceptual Framework for Teaching Online Catalog Use Baker, Betsy
  9. Information Technology and Libraries v.5 no.1 A New Direction for Online Catalog Instruction Baker, Betsy
  10. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.20 no.3 Authority Files in Online Catalogs Revisited Bangalore,N.S.
  11. Library Resources and Technical Services v.33 Rethinking Subject Cataloging in the Online Environment Bates, Marcia J.
  12. Inforamtion Technology and Libraries v.2 no.3 The CLR OPAC Study : Analysis of ARL User Responses Bishop, David F.
  13. RQ v.28 no.2 Problems with OPAC : A Case Study of an Academic Research Library Blazek,R.;D.Bilal
  14. End User Behavior on the Ohio State University Libraries' Online Catalog : A Computer Monitoring Study Borgman, Christine L.
  15. Ph. D. dissertation, Stanford University The User's Meantal Model of an Information Retrieval System : Effects on Performance Borgman, Christine L.
  16. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.37 no.6 Why are Online Catalogs Hard to Use, Lessons Learned from Studies of Information Retrieval System Borgman, Christine L.
  17. Information Processing & Management v.25 no.3 All Users of Information Retrieval Systems Are Not Created Equal : An Exploration into Indivisual Differences Borgman, Christine L.
  18. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.47 no.6 Why are Online Catalogs Still Hard to Use Borgman, Christine L.
  19. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.46 no.9 Children's Searching Behavior on Browsing and Keyword Online Catalogs : The Science Library Catalog Project Borgman, Christine L.(et al.)
  20. Library Technology Reports v.25 The Online Patron Access Catalog : The Keystone in Library Automation Boss,R.W.;S.B.Harrison
  21. College & Reseach Libraries v.52 no.4 The Effectiveness of a Projected Computerized Presentation in Teaching Online Library Catalog Searching Buchanan, Nancy L.(et al)
  22. Canadian Journal of Information Science v.16 An Experimental Investigation of Two Types of Instruction for OPAC Users Cherry,J.M.;M.Clinton
  23. College & Research Libraries v.55 no.4 Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Concept-based Computer Tutorial for OPAC Users Cherry, Joan M.(et al.)
  24. Information Technology and Libraries v.13 no.3 OPACs in Twelve Canadian Academic Libraries : An Evaluation of Functional Capabilities and Interface Features Cherry, Joan M.(et al.)
  25. Closing the Catalog : Proceedings of the 1978 and 1979 Library and Information Technology Association Institutes Catalog Users' Access from the Researcher's Viewpoint : Past and Present Research which could Affect Library Catalog Design Cochrane, Pauline A.;Gapen, D. Kaye;B.Juergens(ed.)
  26. Library and Information Science Research v.5 no.4 Catalog Use Studies - Since the Introduction of Online Interactive Catalogs : Impact on Design for Subject Access Cochrane,P.A.;K.Markey
  27. College & Research Libraries v.58 no.5 Online Catalogs from the User's Perspective : The Use of Focus Group Interviews Connaway, Lynn Silipigni(et al.)
  28. Patron Access : Issues for Online Catalogs Crawford, Walt
  29. Ph. D. dissertation, Indiana University User Interaction with an Online Catalog : Measures of Success Crosby, Ellen
  30. Program v.21 no.2 Problems of Subject Access : (ⅱ) User Studies and Interface Design Croucher, Charles
  31. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.41 no.4 Retrieval by Reformulation in Two Library Catalogs : Toward a Cognitive Model of Searching Behavior Dalrymple, Prudence Ward
  32. Cataloging and Classfication Quarterly v.4 no.3 An Analysis of User Errors in Searching an Online Catalog Dickson, Jean
  33. Ed. D. dissertation, University of Cincinnati Effects of Conceptual Instruction on Subject - Searching Performance in a Computerized Library Catalog Doyen, Sally E.
  34. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.47 no.7 Failure Analysis of Subjects in a Test of a New Design for Subject Access to Online Catalogs Drabenstott, Karen M.;M.S.Weller
  35. College & Research Libraries v.53 no.1 User Characteristics of Keyword Searching in an OPAC Ensor, Pat
  36. Information Technology and Libraries v.11 no.3 User Practices in Keyword and Boolean Searching on an Online Public Access Catalog Ensor, Pat
  37. Library Research v.2 no.2 The Process of Searching Online Bibliographic Database : A Review of Research Fenichel, Carol H.
  38. Information Technology and Libraries v.15 no.2 A Transaction Log Study of OPAC Subject Searching Ferl,T.E.;L.Millsap
  39. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.35 no.6 The Effect of Spatial Arrangement, Upper-Lower Case Letter Combinations, and Reverse Video on Patron Response to CRT Displayed Catalog Records Fryser, Benjamin S.;K.H.Stirling
  40. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.8 no.3 Title Searches in an Online Catalog and a Card Catalog : a Comparative Study of Patron Success in Two Gouke,M.N.;S.Pease
  41. Information Technology and Libraries v.7 Clustering LC Classification Numbers in an Online Catalog for Improved Browsability Heustis, Jeffrey C.
  42. Online Public Access Catalogs : The User Interface Hildreth, Charles R.
  43. Information Technology and Libraries v.16 no.2 Keyword Searching in a University Online Catalog Hildreth, Charles R.
  44. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.8 no.1 Online Catalogs : Coping with the Choices Horny, Karen L.
  45. RQ v.30 no.3 Successes and Failures of Patrons Searching the Online Catalog at a Large Academic Library : A Transaction Log Analysis Hunter, Rhonda N.
  46. Online Library Catalog Systems : An Analysis of User Errors Janosky, Beverly(et al.)
  47. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science v.5 no.28 The Searching Behavior of Remote Users : A Study of One Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC) Kalin, Sally W.
  48. Library Trends v.35 no.4 Online Public Access Catalog Research in the United Kingdom: An Overview Kinsella, Janet;P.Bryant
  49. LISR v.8 Effects of Age, Gender, College Status, and Computer Experience on Attitudes Toward Library Computer System(LCS) Koohang, Alex A.
  50. LISR v.9 A Study of Attitudes Toward the Usefulness of the Library Computer System and Selected Variables: A Further Study Koohang,A.A.;D.M.Byrd
  51. User Look at Online Catalogs: Part 2: Interacting with Online Catalogs: Final Report to the Council on Library Resources Larson, Ray R.
  52. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California Workload Characterisics and Computer System Utilization in Online Library Catalogs Larson, Ray R.
  53. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.42 no.4 The Decline of Subject Searching : Long-Term Trends and Patterns of Index Use in an Online Catalog Larson, Ray R.
  54. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.43 no.1 Evaluation of Advanced Retrieval Techniques in an Experimental Online Catalog Larson, Ray R.
  55. Information Technology and Libraries v.2 no.1 Monitoring and Evaluating MELVYL Larson, Ray R.;Graham, Vicki
  56. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.13 no.3 Research on the Use of Online Catalogs and Its Implications for Library Practice Lewis, David W.
  57. Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University The Effect of Search Dialogue in an On-line Subject Catalog : An Experimental Study of Four Feedback Mechanisms Major, Jean Armour
  58. Searching the Online Public Access Catalog : Final Report Marchionini, Gary;D.Gattone
  59. Online Catalog, Online Reference : Converging Trends Barriers to Effective Use of Online Catalogs Markey, Karen;Aveney, Brian(ed.);B.Butler(ed.)
  60. Library Resources & Technical Services v.29 no.1 Subject-Searching Experiences and Needs of Online Catalog Users : Implications for Library Classification Markey, Karen
  61. Information Technology and Libraries v.3 no.4 Further Analysis of the CLR Online Catalog Project Matthews,J.R.;G.S.Lawrence
  62. Using Online Catalogs: A Nationwide Survey. A Report of a Study Sponsored by the Council on Library Resources Matthews,J.R.(et al.)
  63. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.13 no.3/4 The Next Generation of Online Public Access Catalog: A New Look at Subject Access Using Hypermedia Micco, Mary
  64. Information Technology and Libraries v.12 Search Patterns of Remote Users : An Analysis of OPAC Transaction Logs Millsap, Larry;T.E.Ferl
  65. Information Technology and Libraries v.5 no.1 What They Say They Do and What They Do : Accessing Online Catalog Use Instruction through Transaction Monitoring Nielsen, Brian
  66. Library Trends v.35 no.4 Educating the Online Catalog User : A Model Evaluation Study Nielsen, Brian;B.Baker
  67. College & Research Libraries v.47 no.6 Attitudes toward Technology as Predictors of Online Catalog Usage Noble, Grant;S.O'Connor
  68. Australian Academic and Research Libraries v.15 no.3 Learning a Living : Attitudes toward, and Acceptance of On-line Public Access Catalogues O'Connor, Stephen V.
  69. Information Technology and Libraries v.6 no.4 Selection of an Online Public Access Catalog : A Checklist Approach O'Rourke, Victoria
  70. Journal of Academic Librarianship v.15 no.5 When Smart People Fail: An Analysis of the Transaction Log of an Online Public Access catalog Peters, Thomas A.
  71. Information Technology and Libraries v.10 no.3 Controlled and Uncontrolled Vocabulary Subject Searching in an Academic Library Online Catalog Peters, Thomas A.;M.Kurth
  72. Journal of the American Society for Information Science v.34 no.4 The Use of Computer-Monitored Data in Information Science and Communication Research Rice,R.E.;C.L.Borgman
  73. Library Resources & Technical Services v.27 no.1 Characteristics of Online Public Catalogs Salmon, Stephen R.
  74. Library and Information Science Research v.13 Online Public Access Catalog User Studies : A Review of Research Methodologies. March 1986 - November 1989 Seymour, Sharon
  75. Designing the User Interface : Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction(2nd ed.) Shneiderman, Ben
  76. Information Technology and Libraries v.3 no.1 A Comparative Evaluation of the Technical Performance and User Acceptance of Two Prototype Online Catalog Systems Siegel, Elliot R.(et al.)
  77. Cataloging & Classification Quartely v.18 no.1 Fewer Errors Resulting from the Users' Misconception of the OPAC in 1992 than a Decade Age : A Comparative Study of No Direct Hits and Zero Hits in Author Searches Sinnott, Elisabeth
  78. College & Research Libraries v.45 no.1 User Response to and Knowledge about an Online Catalog Steinberg, David;P.Metz
  79. Library Hi Tech v.3 no.2 Educating Online Catalog Users: The Protocol Assement of Needs Sullivan, Patricia;P.Seiden
  80. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.4 no.3 Authority Files in Online Catalogs: An Investigation of Their Value Taylor, Arlene G.
  81. RQ v.34 no.2 Online Public Access Catalogs and User Instruction Thompson,D.M.(et al.)
  82. Current Utilization of Online Catalogs : Transaction Log Analysis. Final Report to the Coucil on Library Resources v.1 Tolle, John E.(et al.)
  83. Users Look at Online Catalogs: Results of a National Survey of Users and Non-Users of Online Public Access Catalogs. Final Report to the Council on Library Resources University of California, Division of Library Automation and Library Research and Analysis Group
  84. RQ v.33 How Do Patrons Search the Online Catalog When No One's Looking. Transaction Log Analysis and Implications for Bibliographic Instructions and System Design Wallace, Patricia M.
  85. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.20 no.4 Subject Searching in Two Online Catalogs: Authority Control vs. Non-Authority Control Wilkes, Adeline;A.Nelson
  86. Reference Services Review v.19 no.1 Monitoring User Search Success through Transaction Log Analysis : The WoflPAC Example Zink, Steven D.
  87. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly v.19 no.2 Comparison and Evaluation of OPAC End-User Interfaces Zumer, Maja;Lei Zeng
  88. Library Resources and Technical Services v.40 no.2 Handling Spelling Errors in Online Catalog Searches Drabenstott, Karen M.;M.S.Weller
  89. Subject Searching in Library Catalogs: Before and after the Introduction of Online Catalogs Markey, Karen