L1-B4 진동모드를 이용한 평판형 선형 초음파 모터의 설계 및 시제작

Design and Trial Fabrication of Plate-Type Linear Ultrasonic Motor Using L1-B4 Vibration Mode

  • 발행 : 1998.10.01


A plate-type linear ultrasonic motor using logitudinal and bending multi-vibration mode was designed and fabricated for the application to card-forwarding device. The stator consisted of PZ-PT-PMS piezoelectric ceramic plate and stainless steel. The performances of the motor were measured. As the experimental results, no-load speed of the motor was 0.6m/s when applied voltage was $80\textrm{V}_{rms}$ in resonance frequency. Starting torque was 1.4 mNm and maximum efficiency was 1.2%.



  1. JJAP v.35 no.115 Optimum Operation Conditions of an Ultrasonic Motor Driving Fluid Directly Junhui Hu;Kentaro Nakamura;Sadauki Ueha
  2. 日本機械學會論文集 v.62 no.602 Ultrasonic Motor Using a Plate Vibrator with Projections Zhigang Yang;Katsuyoshi Susuki;Guangming Cheng
  3. Introduction to Ultrasonic motor S. Ueha;Y. Tomikawa;M. Kurosawa;N. Nakamura
  4. Ultrasonic Motors - Theory and Applications S. Ueha;Y. Tomikawa;M. Kurosawa;N. Nakamura
  5. 工學院大學硏究報告第72호 A Study of Ultrasonic Motor Shoji Isobe;Masakatsu Takemoto;Ichiro Takano
  6. JJAP v.1 no.4 A Paper or Card Forwarding Device Using a Flat-Type Ultrasonic Motor Yoshiro Tomikawa;Takashi Nishitsuka;Toshiharu Ogasawara;Takehiro Takano
  7. 2nd Space Microdynamics & Accurate Control Symp. A New Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator for Precise Positioning and Semi-Passive Damping R. Le Letty;F. Claeyssen;F. Barillot;M. F. Six;P. Bouchilloux
  8. 日本時計學會誌 v.15 no.152 Ultrasonic Linear Motor using Anisotropic Elastic Material Tomoaki Sakuma;Takemitsu Aya;Tomio Kotaki
  9. ICEE'97 Piezoelectric Characteristics of PZ-PT-PMS Ceramics for Large Displacement Application D. J. Lee;S. H. Jeong;D. W. Shin;K. J. Lim;H. H. Kim;S. G. Park
  10. Joining of Advanced Materials Robert W. Messler, Jr.
  11. JJAP v.28 no.6 Ultrasonic Motor using a plate Vibrator with Displacement Amplification Mechanism Katsuyoshi Suzuki;Tatsuichi Hiromoto;Tadashi Kosawada
  12. JJAP v.77 no.9 Stability of PZT Piezoelectric Ceramic under Vibration Level Change S. Takahashi;S. Hirose;K. Uchino
  13. JJAP v.31 no.9 Vibration-Level Characteristics of Lead-Zirconate-Titanate Ceramics S. Takahashi;S. Hirose