Characteristics of Grain Qualtiy at Different Transplanting Times among Rice Cultivars

벼의 품종별 이앙시기가 미질 특성에 미치는 영향 II. 미립의 외관특성과 화학적 성분의 변화

  • Published : 1998.02.01


This experiment was conducted to investigatd the variation of some apearance chemical components at National Honam Agricultural Experiment Station in Korea. the treatements consisted of five transplating times, form May 5 to July 5 at 15-day interval , and six cultivars ; two early-maturing, two mid-maturing and two latematuring cultivars. The results showed that the variatio of grain appearance such as length-wide ratio was not significantly different in early -maturing cultivars, but mid-and late-maturing cultivars made slightly a round shape of grain in case of early transplanting. Percentage of complete grain was found to be high at transplanting of MAy 20 inearly-maturing cultivars and on June 5 in mid-and late-maturing ones. PERcentage of existed embryo after milling showed high at early transplanting of May 5 for early -maturing cultivars, and at the late transplanting of June 5 in early and late maturing one. The chemical components of rice grain showed high in protein , lipid,ash and amylose content inthe earlier transplanting, and also revealed high in carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium in the later transplanting of all cultivars.



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