天然型 ABA의 葉面散布가 더덕의 生長, 收量에 미치는 影響

Effectof natural type ABA foliar application on growth, yield of Codonopsis lancelata

  • 발행 : 1998.08.01


In order to improve cultivation technuque of C. lanceolata, natural ABA was treated with foliar application periodically during differenctitation of node. The higher is concentration and the earier its foliar application was, the shoter plant height was. Especially, when $10mg;.L{-1}$ of ABA was treated at differentiated stage of 3rd node, plant height was inhibited to 60% of control. But leaf length, leaf width, and number of branches have no significant differnence in comparison wiht control. The fresh weight of subterranean part was similar to control independent of treat-time in the case of $10mg;.L{-1}$. When 1,5 and $10mg;.L{-1}$ of ABA were treated at initial differentiated node stage, plant height inhibited to 20~30% of control, but subterranean part was similar to control. All treatement showed slight antitumor activity by the P388 cytotoxic screening test.



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