This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhage(EIPH) on the finishing position of racehorses, 400 bleeders(305: 1 time, 76: 2 times, 19: 3 times, total: 514 cases) which had bled(EIPH) from their nostrils after their races at the Seoul racecourse during the 5 years period('93-'97) were analyzed for this study. The ratio of bleeders to total racehorses in finishing position 1-3,4-6, 7-9 or above 10 was 0.55, 0.84, 0.90 or 1.13%, respectively. There is tendency to higher incidence of bleeding in the later positioned racehorses group. To analyze the correlation between EIPH and finishing position, finishing potion of each EIPHed horses' was checked at 7 successive races(3 races each before/after EIPH. The average final position at the -3rd race, -2nd racer -lst racer EIPHed race, 1st race,2nd race and 3rd race of each bleeder was 5.85. 5.94, 6.21, 7.32, 7.20, 6.51 and 6.53, respectively. Raring times were adjusted to 1,000 m equivalent. Average racing times of the -3rd race,-2nd racer -lst raced EIPHed race, 1st race, 2nd race and 3rd race of each bleeder was 67.1, 67.1, 67.2, 67.6, 67.5, 67.4 and 67.3 second, respectively. Bleeders which finished the race within 1 second following the winners were 25. 3% of total bleeders. The rest 74.7% reached at the finish line 1 second later than the winners. Particularly 46.3% of bleeders were above 2 second later. Therefore this study suggested that bleeding has effect on performance of the racehorse, consequently it make bleeders be placed later positions.