- Veterinary reproduction and obstetrics (6th ed.) The mare Arthur DH;Noakes DE;Pearson H
- Equine reproduction Infectious causes of infertility Asbury AC;Lyle SK;Mckinnon AG
- Equine reproduction Ovarian abnormalitis Bosu WTK;Smith CA;Mckinnon AG
- JAVMA v.189 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine conceptus from days 20 through 60 Curren S;Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- Anim Reprod Sci v.12 The use of ultraonography for the study of the bovine reproductive tract.Ⅰ. Normal and pathological ovarian structures Edmonson AD;Fissore RA;Pashen RL;Bondurant RH
- JAVMA v.200 Diagnosis of Iuteal and follicular ovarian cysts by palpation per rectum and linear-array ultrasonography in dairy cows Farin PW;Younggist RS;Parfet JR;Garverick HA
- Theriogenology v.34 Diagnosis of luteal and follicular ovarian cysts in dairy cows by sector scan ultrasonography Farin PW;Younggist RS;Parfet JR;Garverick HA
- J. An. Sci. v.27 no.2 Reproductive efficiency on fourteen horse farms Hutton CA;Meacham T.N.
- Jpm Anim Reprod v.35 Ultrasonographic observation of postpartum uterine involution in beef cows Izaike Y;Suzuki O;Shimada K;Kosugiyama M
- Anim. Reprod Sci v.28 Ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in female animal reproduction Kahn W
- Theriogenology v.29 Ultrasonic evaluation of the bovine conceptus Kastelic JP;Curran S;Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- J. An. Sci. v.44 Induction of ovulation and multiple ovulations in seasonally anovulatory and ovulatory mares with an equine pituitary extract Lapin DR;Ginther OJ
- Equine reproduction Lea & Febriger Mckinnon AG;Voss JL
- Equine Reproduction Reproductive examination of mare Mckinnon AO;Carnevale EM
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.14 Use of real-time ultrasonography in bovine and eqine reproduction Peter AT;Pierson RA;Jakovijevic S
- JAVMA v.190 Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine uterus during the estrous cycle Pierson RA:Ginther OJ
- Theriogenology v.21 Ultrasonography of the bovine ovary Pierson RA;Ginther OJ
- Vet Rec v.126 Detection of corpora lutea and follicles in cows:A comparison of transvaginal ultrasonography and rectal palpation Pierterse MC;Taverne MAM;Kruip ThAM;Willemse AH
- Veterinary obstetrics and genital diseases Infertility in the mare Robert SJ
- J Am. Vet Med Assoc v.169 Granulosa cell tumer in a broodmare Schmitt, G.R;Cowled RR;Flynn DV
- Biol Reprod v.39 Ovarian follicular dynamics during the estrous cycle in heifers monitored by real-time ultrasonography Sirosis J;Fortune JE;Fortune JE
- Compend Contin Educ Pract Vet v.16 Clinical applications of bovine reproductive ultrasonography Straud BK.
- Vet Rec v.117 Real-time ultrasonic scanning in the diagnosis of pregnancy and the estimation of gestational age in cattle White IR;Russel AJF;Wright IA;Whyte TK
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.15 no.1 말에서 조기임신진단을 위한 초음파 영상 이용방법에 관한 연구 김용준;서세현;김명철;최종복
- 畜産の硏究 v.42 直腸檢査によるウツ卵巢檢査の問題點 悤田燦
- 家畜殖誌 v.32 超音波診斷裝置の牛姙娠および卵巢, 子宮疾患診斷への應用 澤向 豊
- 畜産の硏究 v.46 野外にぉける 牛の早期姙娠診斷としこの超音波 診斷法の應用 鈴木一男;小西一之
- 家畜臨床繁殖學 星 修三;山 內亭