The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of acupuncture after the induction of acute kidney disease in dogs by ethylene glycol. Twenty four mixed breed, adult cats were used in the experiment. Ethylene glycol was administered orally at 1 ml/kg in 24 cats, and then 6 cats were treated by acupunchuture 6 cats were treated by electroacupuncture, 6 cats were treated by acupuncture and 6 cats were not treated as a control group. Treatment was done once daily far 4 dsys. The acupoint used were Gan-shu and Tai-xi. The effect of acnpuncture was evaluated by clinical symptom, blood chemical values, electrocardiogram (ECG) and histopathologkal findings. After treatement, acupuncture group revealed relatively fast recovery compared with other groups, in clinical symptoms, blood chemical values, ECG waves and histopathological findings. Laserpuncture group revealed secondly fast recovery compared with control group.