- Jpn Vet Sci v.43 Studies on canine parvovirus isolation, experimental infection and serologic survey Azetaka M;Hirasawa T;Konishi SI;Ogata M
- Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis v.15 Response of pups with maternal derived antibody to modified live canine parvovirus vaccine Buonovoglia G;Tollis M;Buonovoglia D;Puccini A
- Vet Rec v.128 Performance of high titer attenuated canine parvovirus vaccine in pups with maternally derived antibody Burtonboy S;Charlier P;Hertoghs J;Lobmann M;Wiseman A;Woods S
- Res Vet Sci v.38 Pathogenesis of canine parvovirus-2 in dogs: Hematology, serology and virus recovery Carman PS;Povey RC
- Vet Rec v.120 Preliminary development of a live attenuated canine parvovirus vaccine from an isolate of British origin Churchill A
- Hagan and Brunner's infectious disease of domestic animal(8th ed.) The parvovirus Gillespie JH;Timoney JF
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.46 Comparative studies of physicochemcial and biological properties between canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus Goto H;Hirano T;Uchida E;Watanabe K;Shinagawa M;Ichijo S;Shimizu K
- Vet Micro Biol v.41 Sensitive of canine parvovirus DNA by the nested polymerase chain reaction Hirasawa T;Kaneshige T;Mikazuki M
- J Histochem Cytochem v.29 Use of avidin-biotinperoxidase complex (ABC) in immunoperoxidase techniques: A comparison between ABC and unlabeled antibody(PAP) procedures Hsu Sm;Raine L;Fanger H
- JAVMA v.174 Myocarditis of probable viral origin in pups of weaning age Jezyk PF;Haskins ME;Jones CL
- Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet v.19 Canine parvovirus: Ⅱ. Clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment Macintire DK;Smith-Carr S
- Vet Rec v.115 Canine parvovirus enteritis 1; clinical haematopathological and pathological features of experimental infection Macartney L;MaCandlish IAP;Thomson H;Cornwell HJC
- Vet Rec v.115 Canine parvovirus enteritis 2; pathogenesis Macartney L;MaCandlish IAP;Thomson H
- VMSAC v.75 Canine parvovirus; Update Kramer JM;Meunier PC;Pollock RVH
- JAVMA v.204 Serologic response of pups to the low-passage modified live canine parvovirus-2 component combination vaccination Obrien SE
- Aus Vet J v.61 Experimentally induced severe canine parvoviral enteritis O'sullivan G;Durham PJK;Smith JR;Campbell RSF
- J Virol v.65 Rapid antigenic-type replacement and DNA sequence evolution of canine parvovirus Parrish CR;Aquadro CF;Lisa Atrassheim M;Evermann JF;Sgro JY;Mohammed HO
- JAVMA v.180 Maternally Derived immunity to canine parvovirus infection: Transfer, decline, and interference with vaccination Pollock RVH;Carmichael LE
- Infectious disease of dogs and cat(1st ed.) Canine viral enteritis; Canine parvoviral enteritis Pollock RVH;Carmichael LE
- Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract v.23 Canine parvovirus: Gastroenterology: The 1990s Pollock RVH;Coyne MJ
- J Virol v.62 Nucleotide sequence and genome organization of canine parvovirus Reed AP;Jones EV;Miller TJ
- Vet Pathol v.17 Canine parvovirus disease; Experimental reproduction of the enteric form with a parvovirus isolated from a case of myocarditis Robinson WF;Wilcox GE;Flower RLP
- Vet Pathol v.17 Canine parvoviral myocarditis: A morphologic description of the natural disease Robinson WFS;Huxtable CR;Pass DA
- Comp Cont Educ Pract Vet v.19 Canine parvovirus; Part Ⅰ. Pathogenesis and vaccination Smith-Carr S;Macintire DK;Swango LJ
- Canine Pract v.6 Choosing a canine vaccine regimen. Part 3. Round table discussion Swango LJ;Barta R;Fortney W
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 개 파보바이러스 장염의 감염일령에 따른 병변의 병리조직학적 및 면역조직화학적 고찰 구자록
- 대한수의사회지 v.20 한국에서의 개 파보바이러스 장염의 수혈치료에 대한 임상적 고찰 김지인
- 대한수의학회지 v.32 국내에서 분리된 Canine Parvovirus의 구조유전자 Cloning과 염기서열 분석 박종현;송재영;이중복;현방훈;안수환;전무형
- 대한수의학회지 v.35 간접형광항체법에 의한 개 바이러스 -canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, canine cornavirus, canine adenovirus type-2, canine parainfluenzavirus- 항체분포 조사 윤기복;감문일;박남용;한동운
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- 대한수의사회지 v.22 개 코로나 바이러스 감염증과 개 파보 바이러스 감염증의 감별진단과 치료예방 이영옥;허영
- 농사시험연구논문집 v.28 개의 파보 바이러스성 감영즘의 발생과 항체율 조사 최대영;류영수;권창희;김용희;김두희
- 서울시수의사회지 최근 해외에서 발생하고 있는 개 파보바이러스성 장염 한태우
- 대한수의사회지 v.22 개의 바이러스성 장염의 국내발생보고 한홍율;황의경;유규연;이영옥