의류제품의 품질평가에 있어서 가격단서의 영향

The Effect of Price Information Cues on The Consumer's Apparel Quality Evaluations

  • 최미영 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과) ;
  • 이은영 (서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 1998.11.01


The perceived quality is a concept considered from the consumer's perspective. So it is differ from the objective determination of product quality. Thus the consumer perception of quality is a subjective judgement of an individual and an overall feeling on the characteristics which includes the product's reliability, performance and so on. In terms of product perception, consumers utilize the product cues in evaluating the product's quality before the purchase and the cues reflecting the quality can be classifisied into intrinsic and extrinsic ones. When the quality perception is limited to the purchase situation, purchase decision dependent on surrogate indicators such as price, are inclined to increase due to the lack of information. Therefore in this study the perceived quality of apparel is controled to the purchase situation in order to examine the consumer's reaction to the price cues and for the convenience of the exploratory investigation. As a result of the empirical study, consumers show differences in quality and value perceptions to the product with the same price depending on the perception whether the price is high or low. The apparel quality evaluation process goes through the steps of "product attributes - perceived quality - perceived value - purchase intention".
