The Fibrinolytic Activity of Kimchi and its Ingredients in vivo and in vitro

In vivo와 in vitro에서 김치 및 김치재료의 피브린 분해활성

  • 송영옥 (부산대학교 식품영양학과 및 김치연구소) ;
  • 김미정 (부산대학교 식품영양학과 및 김치연구소) ;
  • 송영선 (인제대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 1998.08.01


Fibrionolytic activity(FA) of kimchi in rat and FAs of water and methanol extracts of kimchi ingredient were determined using fibrin plate method to see where the active principles for FA are present in kimchi. Nine Sprague-Dawley per each group were fed diet containing 3, 5 or 10% of freeze dried kimchi for 6 weeks. The FA of plasma obtained from 10% kimchi group showed stronger FA than that of control. FAs of 3 and 5% kimchi group were not noticeable. FA from methanol extract of kimchi was approximately 6 times higher than that from water extract assuming that the active material may be present in a fat soluble fraction. From water extract of kimchi ingredients, dropwort, green onion, radish and baechu showed FA in descending order. And from methanol extracts, red pepper powder, radish, green onion and baechu showed FA in decending order. The Fa of methanol extract of red pepper powder was the most noticeable among samples.



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