- 3차년도 농림수산 특정연구과제 진도보고서 항암 및 항노화 기능성 김치무리의 개발에 관한 연구 송영옥
- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.26 no.507 흰쥐에서 김치식이가 조직과 분변의 지질조성과 Apo단백 및 Thyroxine 농도에 미치는 영향 권명자;송영옥;송영선
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- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.26 no.1208 In vivo와 in vito에서 김치가 혈액성상과 면역세포배양에 미치는 영향 김미정;권명자;송영옥;이은경;윤현주;송영선
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Inhibitory effects of kimchi extracts on carcinogen-induced cytotoxicity and transformation in
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- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.26 no.998 김치주·부재료의 활성산소에 대한 피부세포 독성 완화효과 류승희;전영수;문정원;이영순;문갑순
- In hemostasis and thrombosis Walsh, P.N.
- Experi v.28 no.254 Antihypercholesterolemic effect of sulfur contining amino acid,S-methyl-L-cysteine sulfoxide isolated from cabbage Fujiwara,M.
- Preventive Medicine v.16 no.670 Garlic(Allium sativum) and Onion (Allium cepa):A review of their relationship to cardiovascular disease Kendler, B. S.
- Arzneim.-Forsch. Durg Res v.41(II) no.8 Inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis by a water-soluble garlic extract in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes Gebhardt,R.
- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.26 no.1194 매운맛 선호도가 사람의 말초혈액에서 분리한 면역세포 활성에 미치는 영향 표종옥;한인섭;김병삼;유리나
- Agric. Biol. Chem. v.51 no.75 Enhancement by capsaicin of catecholamine from adrenal medulla Watanabe, T.;Kawada T.;Iwai, K.
- Pharmacological Reviews v.38 no.773 The neuropharmacology of capsaicin:Review of some recent observation Buck, S. H.;Burks, T. F.
- Carcinogenesis v.16 no.2467 Chemoprotective effects of capsaicin and diallyl sulfide against mutagenesis or tumorigenesis by vinyl carbamate and N-nitrosodimethylamine Surh, Y.J.;Lee, R.C.;Park, K.K.;Mayne, S.T.;Liem, A.;Miller, J.A.
- 한국식품영양과학회 제41차 춘계학술대회초록 식이 capsaicin이 in vivo에서 자발성 고혈압 흰쥐의 혈압상태 및 혈중 지질수준에 미치는 영향 유리나;최윤정;박수아;정대균;남희섭;신재익
- 중앙대학교 석사학위논문 Capsaicin이 SHR에서 혈압에 미치는 영향 김옥순
- Einfluss regelmaessiger Aufnahme von Sauerkraut und Kimchi auf verschie den Blutparameter Ernaehrungsphysiologische Wirkungen laktofermentierter Kohlgemuese Hwang I.J.
- 생명과학회지 v.5 no.203 김치의 혈전용해작용 정영기;양웅석;강정옥;공인수;김정옥
- Biochemical Pharmacology v.29 no.3169 Inhibition of fatty acid oxygenases by onion and garlic oils Vanderhoek, J. Y.;Makhja, A. N.;Bailey, J. M.
- Atherosclerosis v.28 no.155 Effect of essential oil of garlic on serum fibrinolytic activity in patients with coronary artery disease Bordia, A. K.;Joshi, H.;Sanadhya, Y. K.;Bhu, N
- Ind. J. Med. Res v.69 no.776 Effect of dietary garlic and onion on serum lipid profile in Jain community Sainani, G. S.;Desai, D. B.;Gorhe, N. H.;Natu, S. M.;Pise, D. V.;Sainani, P. G.
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- J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. v.77 no.1017 Determination of insoluble,soluble and total dietary fiber in foods and food products:Inter-laboratory study Prosky,L.;Asp,N.;Schweizer,T.F.;Devries,J.W.;Furda,J.
- Ind. J. Med. Res. v.54 no.48 Effect of onion on serum cholesterol, Blood-coagulation factrors and fibrinolytic activity in alimentary lipemia Gupta,N.N.;Mehrotra,R.M.L.;Sircar,A.R.
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- Atherosclerosis v.38 no.417 The effect of fried vs.raw garlic on fibrinolytic activity in man Chutani, S. K.;Bordia, A.
- Atherosclerosis v.21 no.15 Effect of the essential oils of garlic and onion on alimentary hyperlipemia Bordia, A.K.;Bansal,H.C.;Arora,S.K.;Singh,S.V.
- Atherosclerosis v.39 no.447 Comparative effects of clofibrate, garlic, and onion on alimentary hyperlipemia Arora, R.C.;Arora, S.
- 김치의 과학(한국식품과학회 심포지움발표논문집 김치의 영양생리학적 평가 오영주;황인주;Leitzmann,C.
- Am. J. Clin. Nutr. v.30 no.1380 Effect of garlic on serum lipids,coagulability and fibrinolyitc activity of blood Jain, R. C.
- Preventive Mdeicine v.16 no.676 Garlic(Allium sativum) and Onion (Allim cepa):Their relationship to cardiovascular disease Kendler, B. S.
- South. African. J. Sci v.91 no.68 Galic(Allium sativum)for disease prevention Srivastava, K. C.;Bordia, A.;Verma, S. K.
- Brain Res v.123 no.323 The effect of capsaicin on the adenylate cylase activity of rat brain Jancso, G.;Wollemann, M.